Pingtung Long Elongated Eggplant


Pingtung Long Elongated Eggplant

Solanum melongena
(58 days) F-1 hybrid. Long eggplant named for Pingtung county in Taiwan. Great for cooks who prefer to work with uniform slices. Vigorous stress-tolerant plants start producing early for a decent overall yield. Its light purple color is especially attractive if harvested before full maturity. As it approaches its full 11", its skin darkens but retains a pleasing sheen. Its sweetness will keep you coming back for more. Yes, this is truly a hybrid strain that has better quality and flavor than the more common open-pollinated strain.

3673 Pingtung Long
Item Discounted
A: 0.2g for $2.75   
unavailable, no new supply coming
B: 0.4g for $3.65   
unavailable, no new supply coming
C: 1g for $6.05   
unavailable, no new supply coming
D: 4g for $12.50   
unavailable, no new supply coming
E: 16g for $28.00   
unavailable, no new supply coming

Additional Information


  • Days to maturity are from date of transplanting.
  • 0.2 gram packet is about 33-43 seeds.

Culture: Growing eggplant can be a challenge in the north. Start indoors in early spring. Minimum germination temperature is 60°, optimal range 75–90°. Transplant after all danger of frost. They resent wind, will not set fruit in cold or very hot temperatures or in drought. We recommend irrigation and using row covers and IRT mulch. Our selections are the most reliable producers we’ve found, yet some seasons even our skilled trialers get only sparse production of ripe fruits.

Colorado Potato Beetle (CPB)
Cultural controls: Rotation, control solanaceous weeds such as horse nettle, rapid flaming, suction devices, hand-picking if beetle pressure is low, mulch before adults arrive.
Material controls: Surround, Spinosad
For more info on CPB, click here.

Germination Testing

For the latest results of our germination tests, please see the germination page.

Our Seeds are Non-GMO


All of our seeds are non-GMO, and free of neonicotinoids and fungicides. Fedco is one of the original companies to sign the Safe Seed Pledge.