Spinacia oleracea (30 days) Open-pollinated. Prized as a baby green for its striking magenta-red stems and veins in deep green arrowhead leaves. For the cooler ends of the season only.
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Spinacia oleracea (45 days) Open-pollinated. Recommended for late fall, winter greenhouse, or overwintering under mulch. Large semi-savoyed medium-green spinach selected for cold hardiness.
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Spinacia oleracea (25-30 days to baby leaf, 45 days mature) F-1 hybrid. Tender smooth leaves perfect for the baby cut. Mature, large leaves still have mild sweet flavor. Bolt tolerant, disease resistant.
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Spinacia oleracea (38 days) F-1 hybrid. For fall and early winter. Fast-growing high-yielding nearly smooth 5" by 6" spinach. Mild flavor. Not for spring.
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Spinacia oleracea (37 days) F-1 hybrid. We regularly sell more than 3,500 packets per year! Produces the kind of vigorous big thick wavy mostly...
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Spinacia oleracea (37 days) F-1 hybrid. For spring and fall. Large thick dark green smooth but slightly savoyed spinach. Juicy and sweet. Vigorous, upright growth. Bestseller.
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Spinacia oleracea (25 days to baby leaf, 45 days to mature) F-1 hybrid. Well suited for early spring and fall plantings. Reasonable early summer tolerance, with slow steady growth that results in a stunning high-quality winter crop.
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Spinacia oleracea (47 days) Open-pollinated. Old variety grows slowly, tolerates low temps. Good spring and fall, and great for overwintering. Deeply savoyed leaves.
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