Pisum sativum (65 days) Open-pollinated. Tender tendrils. Afila-type pea, 10 peas per pod. Upright habit makes easy picking; grows to 36-42".
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Pisum sativum (65 days) Open-pollinated. Standard mid-season variety, preferred by commercial growers for heavy yields and extreme weather tolerance. 3' vines.
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Pisum sativum (68 days) Open-pollinated. Miragreen’s rich green color is matched only by the flavor of the peas themselves. As a freezer pea it has no equal. Prolific, with an average of 8.3 peas per pod.
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not available yet, check back later
Snap Peas
Pisum sativum (58 days) Open-pollinated. Earliest snap pea, on 2' vines. Use to start the season, and allow extra space between rows if you do not stake.
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not available yet, check back later
Snap Peas
Pisum sativum (65 days) Open-pollinated. The first success of our pea-growing program. We named Sugar Lode for its tremendous yields borne on 3'...
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unavailable, no new supply coming
Snap Peas
Pisum sativum (68 days) Open-pollinated. Far tastier than dwarf varieties. 5-7' vines, need strong stakes. Pods reach superb sweetness only when completely filled.
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Pisum sativum (68 days) Open-pollinated. Far tastier than dwarf varieties. 5-7' vines, need strong stakes. Pods reach superb sweetness only when completely filled.
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Pisum sativum (66 days) Open-pollinated. Vines grow 4-5', must be staked. Large, fat light lime-green pods really sweet raw or cooked. Purple flowers.
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