Solanum melongena (64 days in unheated tunnel, 72 days open field) F-1 hybrid. Slightly curved 8" extended-teardrop shape covered with purple and lavender streaks with emanations of ivory and light pink.
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Solanum melongena (75 days) F-1 hybrid. Dark purple 7-8"tapered half-long bell-shaped fruit with a thornless light green calyx. Early and productive.
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Solanum melongena (88 days) Open-pollinated. Italian heirloom. White with lavender streaking, plump, 3-4" wide by 5" long. Fruits avg 2 lb. Creamy, delicate, great for gourmet markets.
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Solanum melongena (84 days) Open-pollinated. Pink-lavender with white shoulders, pear-shaped, 4-6" wide by 6-8" long. Sweet tender white flesh. Early and productive.
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not available yet, check back later
Elongated Eggplants
Solanum melongena (60 days) F-1 hybrid. This long 7x2" dark purple Italian “sword” is great for cooks who like uniform slices. Flavor is smooth and mild with no bitterness.
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currently on backorder
Elongated Eggplants
Solanum melongena (60 days) F-1 hybrid. This high-yielding hybrid version of Asian-type Pingtung Long produces 14"-long, 1½"-thick fruits with mild tender flesh.
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