Fedco Seeds: Breeder Royalties

ships year-round
Brassica juncea (47 days mesclun, 62 full size) Open-pollinated. Sweet succulent ribs and moderately pungent winter-hardy greens. Good for summer mesclun; excellent cut-and-come-again. read more
ships year-round
Brassica rapa (40 days) Open-pollinated. Medium-dark green variably shaped leaves. Zingy. Excellent for salads or braised. read more
ships year-round
Brassica rapa
(40 days) Open-pollinated. Frank Morton selected well-mixed breeding pools for disease resistance and particularly for pink and... read more
ships year-round
Red Tail - Organic
Green Bush Bean Seeds

Phaseolus vulgaris (58 days) Open-pollinated. 5.5" long green bean. Very stress tolerant and high yielding, with good texture and flavor. White seed. read more
ships year-round
Brown Resilient - Organic
Shell and Dry Bush Bean Seeds

Phaseolus vulgaris (100 days) Open-pollinated. Productive brown dry bean with rich meaty flavor that can stand alone in dishes. read more
ships year-round
Fast Lady Northern Southern Pea - Organic
Shell and Dry Bush Bean Seeds

unavailable, no new supply coming
Vigna unguiculata (65 days shell, 90 days dry) Open-pollinated. Cowpeas for the North! Small white bean matures quickly. Easy-to-pick yellow pods. Beautiful yellow flowers on bushy semi-erect plants. read more
ships year-round
White Candle Gaucho - Organic
Shell and Dry Bush Bean Seeds

Phaseolus vulgaris (88 days) Open-pollinated. White bush bean with good yields and mild flavor. Pale sibling of golden Gaucho. read more
ships year-round
3 Root Grex - Organic
Beet Seeds

sold out
Beta vulgaris (54 days) Open-pollinated. Gene pool based on 3 heirlooms. Expect 3 colors: pink-red with orange, bright gold and vivid orange. 3.5 x 7-8" tapered form. read more
ships year-round
Solstice - Organic
Broccoli Seeds

Brassica oleracea (botrytis group)
(71 days) Open-pollinated. Mild sweet heads, at 4–5" across, are intermediate between non-heading Piracicaba’s... read more
ships year-round
Umpqua - Organic
Broccoli Seeds

Brassica oleracea (botrytis group) (95 days) Open-pollinated. Handsome uniform dark-green 5-6" heads. Abundant side shoots over a long harvest window. Ideal home-garden variety for the fall. read more
ships year-round
Purple Peacock Gene Pool - Organic
Non-Heading Broccoli Seeds

not available yet, check back later
Brassica oleracea (botrytis group)
Open-pollinated. Best grown for fall harvest, this gourmet ornamental edible is a cross by Frank Morton of a... read more
ships year-round
Zea mays (85 days) Open-pollinated. Early and productive true flint corn superb for cornbread, johnny cakes and polenta. 8–12" ears with 8–12 rows. read more
ships year-round
Magic Manna - Organic
Flour Corn Seeds

Zea mays (85 days) Open-pollinated. This superior flour corn boasts hardiness, earliness and vigor. Ears are solid-colored and can be sorted for use based on kernel color: Pancake White, Parching Red, Parching Starburst and Brown Gravy. read more
ships year-round
Common Wealth - Organic
Pickling Cucumber Seeds

Cucumis sativus (52 days) Open-pollinated. Sweet crisp thin-skinned 6" pickler. Resistant to downy mildew. read more
ships year-round
South Wind - Organic
Slicing Cucumber Seeds

Cucumis sativus (55 days) Open-pollinated. Straight medium-green 7–8" cukes are spectacular: crunchy and aromatic with stem ends never getting bitter. read more
ships year-round
Silver Slicer - Organic
Specialty Cucumber Seeds

Cucumis sativus (64 days) Open-pollinated. Unique white slicer. 7-8" slim creamy-white fruit with crisp non-bitter flesh. Excellent flavor. read more
ships year-round
Ice-Bred - Organic
Arugula - Greens Seeds

Eruca sativa (44 days) Open-pollinated. Cross of two European heirlooms and selected for vigor and cold hardiness. Turns purple when it freezes. Full of flavor. read more
ships year-round
Endeavor Gene Pool - Organic
Endive - Greens Seeds

Cichorium endivia
(45 days) Open-pollinated. Developed by Wild Garden Seed out of their Chicendive project, originally a cross of chicory and... read more
ships year-round
Aurora Orach Mix - Organic
Specialty Greens Seeds

Atriplex hortensis
(38 days) Open-pollinated. In his Wild Garden Seed catalog, originator Frank Morton calls it “mountain spinach for merry... read more
ships year-round
Lepidium sativum (30 days) Open-pollinated. Broad leaves are extremely ruffled, wrinkled and savoyed. Spicy, tangy and sweet. Good in salad mix and bunched for market. read more
ships year-round
Brassica oleracea (acephala group) (61 days) Open-pollinated. Lacinato crossed with Redbor. Curly edges, red veins, purple or blue-green leaves, diverse shapes and colors. Productive and cold-hardy. read more
ships year-round
Russian Frills - ECO
Siberian Kale Seeds

Brassica napus (pabularia group) (55 days) Open-pollinated. Cold hardy 18-28" purple and red-veined kale leaves grow frilly while remaining very tender. Good for bunches and mesclun mixes. read more
ships year-round
Russian Frills - Organic
Siberian Kale Seeds

Brassica napus (pabularia group) (55 days) Open-pollinated. Cold hardy 18-28" purple and red-veined kale leaves grow frilly while remaining very tender. Good for bunches and mesclun mixes. read more
ships year-round
White Russian - Organic
Siberian Kale Seeds

Brassica napus (pabularia group) (60 days) Open-pollinated. Serrated silvery-green flat-leaf Siberian-type kale with white veining. Sweetens after frost. Extremely cold hardy. read more
ships year-round
King Sieg - Organic
Autumn Leek Seeds

Allium ampeloprasum (porrum group) (84 days) Open-pollinated. 6" tall, 3" thick shanks. Blue-green leaves. Very cold tolerant. A good candidate for overwintering. read more
ships year-round
Lactuca sativa Open-pollinated. At least 10-12 different forms of disease-resistant great-tasting lettuces. And all open-source seed. read more
ships year-round
Cardinale - Organic
Batavian Lettuce Seeds

Lactuca sativa (48 days) Open-pollinated. Hefty wine-red Batavian forms open rosette that folds together like a romaine at maturity. Shiny red leaves, green in the center, good for baby leaves. read more
ships year-round
Garnet Butter Gem - Organic
Butterhead Lettuce Seeds

Lactuca sativa (48 days) Open-pollinated. Compact tight uniform heads form upright rosettes for a clean market and salad harvest. Pebbled leaves shaded red and light plum on a green base. read more
ships year-round
Really Red Deer Tongue - Organic
Deer Tongue Lettuce Seeds

Lactuca sativa (48 days) Open-pollinated. Deep red pointed deer-tongue leaves and contrasting white-green stems. Withstands some heat. read more
ships year-round
Gildenstern - Organic
Iceberg or Crisphead Lettuce Seeds

Lactuca sativa (46 days) Open-pollinated. Folded and blistered light green leaves wrap into a tight crisp whorled 4" head that easily makes a single-serving salad. read more
ships year-round
Lollo di Vino - Organic
Lollo Rosso Lettuce Seeds

Lactuca sativa (56 days) Open-pollinated. Beautiful compact Lollo-type has extremely dark purple-red leaves with ruffles and curls. Very mild flavor for type. Stays non-bitter longer. read more
ships year-round
Hyper Red Rumple Waved - Organic
Looseleaf Lettuce Seeds

Lactuca sativa (50 days) Open-pollinated. Very deep red savoyed leaves with extreme ruffling. Good flavor and texture. Fair heat resistance and good cold tolerance. read more
ships year-round
Antares - Organic
Oakleaf Lettuce Seeds

Lactuca sativa (48 days) Open-pollinated. Very large vigorous oakleaf lettuce with extra-frilled bright pink and bronze leaves. Withstands some heat. Start in early spring for an amazing show. read more
ships year-round
Blushed Butter Oaks - Organic
Oakleaf Lettuce Seeds

Lactuca sativa (49 days) Open-pollinated. Compact butterhead with 12" mounded upright form. Pink and green rounded oakleaves are tender and buttery. read more
ships year-round
Lactuca sativa (55 days) Open-pollinated. Dense oakheart heads range from mini to full to elf-eared. Variations in this gene pool range from deepest solid red to the heart, red spotting, speckling and blushing, to spotless green. read more
ships year-round
Elf Ears Oak - Organic
Oakleaf Lettuce Seeds

Lactuca sativa (50 days) Open-pollinated. Bright green leaf with deeply cut lobes, crowned in extra-extended narrow tips. Compact form, easy salad cutting or clean full-head presentation. read more
ships year-round
Lactuca sativa (54 days) Open-pollinated. Beautiful troutback/oakleaf cross, with rich lime-green oakleaves showing dark speckles. Excellent flavor and texture. read more
ships year-round
Merlox Red Oak - Organic
Oakleaf Lettuce Seeds

Lactuca sativa
(53 days) Open-pollinated. Frank Morton’s first release of his “Merlox variations” combines the ultra-dark pigmentation of Merlot... read more
ships year-round
Better Devil - Organic
Romaine Lettuce Seeds

Lactuca sativa
(60 days) Open-pollinated. A really superior romaine lettuce from breeder Frank Morton. When it romaines, it sends up gorgeous... read more
ships year-round
Blushed Butter Cos - Organic
Romaine Lettuce Seeds

Lactuca sativa (49 days) Open-pollinated. Unique Butterhead/Romaine combination with ruffled savoyed leaves dappled red and green. Very crisp and buttery. read more
ships year-round
Jadeite - Organic
Romaine Lettuce Seeds

Lactuca sativa
(50 days) Open-pollinated. True to name, mini-romaine Jadeite’s matte apple-green rounded leaf and graceful small vase form looks... read more
ships year-round
Mayan Jaguar - Organic
Romaine Lettuce Seeds

Lactuca sativa (51 days) Open-pollinated. Best of the speckled types. Dark green ruffled leaves mottled with maroon-red spots. Sweet juicy veins, blushed pink heart. Poor heat tolerance. read more
ships year-round
Pandero - Organic
Romaine Lettuce Seeds

Lactuca sativa (44 days baby, 63 days mature) Open-pollinated. From England. Compact Winter Density-type mini-romaine with very deep purple-red leaves. Very cold tolerant, decent heat tolerance. read more
ships year-round
Zeb - Organic
Romaine Lettuce Seeds

Lactuca sativa
(65 days) Open-pollinated. One manifestation of climate change in New England seems to be increasingly hot dry springs and early... read more
ships year-round
Arachne - Organic
Muskmelon Seeds

Cucumis melo (88 days) Open-pollinated. Firm orange flesh is mild but sweet with just the right amount of musk. 3-lb oval fruits feature exquisite netting. read more
ships year-round
Green Beauty
Snow Pea Seeds

Pisum sativum (60 days) Open-pollinated. 7-8' vine. 5" long light green pods. High yields. Excellent flavor. Purple flowers. read more
ships year-round
Mega Marconi - Organic
Elongated Sweet Pepper Seeds

Capsicum annuum (90 days) Open-pollinated. Heavy early fruit set of 2½x8" tender-skinned Italian-style Lamuyo peppers. read more
ships year-round
Resilient Shishito - ECO
Elongated Sweet Pepper Seeds

Capsicum annuum (65 days) Open-pollinated. An open-pollinated selection of the ever-popular shishito. Light green, thin walled and mostly mild. Early, prolific and delicious! read more
ships year-round
Capsicum annuum (60 days green, 80 days red ripe ) Open-pollinated. A triumph of breeding work, these large uniform poblanos perform well in cold climates and also impressed us with big yields in Maine’s sea level Zone 5. read more
ships year-round
Capsicum annuum (75 days) Open-pollinated. Thicker-skinned jalapeño-like fruits. Delicious hot fruity flavor; 2,500-8,000 Scovilles. Adapted to northern latitudes. read more
ships year-round
Matchbox - Organic
Hot Pepper Seeds

Capsicum annuum (75 days) Open-pollinated. Pale green to deep scarlet 2" long, 1/3" wide. Hot! 30,000-50,000 Scovilles. Prolific. read more
ships year-round
Chocolate Cake - ECO
Sweet Bell Pepper Seeds

Capsicum annuum (90 days) Open-pollinated. Rich reddish-brown 3½x3½" blocky thick-walled pepper. Meaty, sweet, delicious and flavorful even when green. read more
ships year-round
Mountaineer - Organic
Sweet Bell Pepper Seeds

Capsicum annuum (68 days) Open-pollinated. Prolific yields of long tapering 2"red sweet peppers on short stocky plants. Great for cold-climate growers. read more
ships year-round
Peacework - Organic
Sweet Bell Pepper Seeds

Capsicum annuum (65 days) Open-pollinated. An exciting early red bell pepper with medium-thick walls, good flavor and full-bodied sweetness. read more
ships year-round
Allium cepa (aggregatum group)
(100 days) Open-pollinated. Longtime Montana farmer and plant breeder Judy Owsowitz loved the hybrid shallot Prisma... read more
ships year-round
Val-Aux-Vents - ECO
Shallot Seeds

Allium cepa (aggregatum group) (105 days) Open-pollinated. Handsome golden-bronze 1¼–2" bulbs uniformly divide into triples and quadruples, store into the spring, and have a luxurious caramel flavor. read more
ships year-round
Goldini II - Organic
Golden Zucchini - Summer Squash Seeds

Cucurbita pepo (55 days) Open-pollinated. Fast-maturing shiny ridged gold zucchini. Large fruits hit perfection at 1 lb, and are good for slicing and drying. read more
ships year-round
Be My Baby - Organic
Cherry Tomato Seeds

Solanum lycopersicum (65 days) Open-pollinated. This productive cherry is the result of a cross between a beefsteak and two cherries, one orange and one red. Rich sweet flavor, regular tomato foliage. read more
ships year-round
Cosmic Purple Rain - Organic
Cherry Tomato Seeds

Solanum lycopersicum (75 days) Open-pollinated. This fantastic cherry tomato is beautiful, healthy, highly productive, resistant to cracking and not resistant to flavor. 10–20g fruits. read more
ships year-round
Honeydrop - Organic
Cherry Tomato Seeds

Solanum lycopersicum (62 days) Open-pollinated. Light orange sweet juicy treats, much less prone to cracking in wet weather than Sun Gold. read more
ships year-round
Peacevine - Organic
Cherry Tomato Seeds

Solanum lycopersicum (78 days) Open-pollinated. Red 1" cherry. Similar to Sweet 100, bearing gazillions of clusters of sweet fruits. Dependable and prolific. read more
ships year-round
Solanum lycopersicum (62 days) Open-pollinated. We have never tasted a pink cherry tomato as deliciously sweet! 12.7g fruits are large and early. read more
ships year-round
Solanum lycopersicum (62 days) Open-pollinated. Red miniature heart-shaped firm fruits, about ½ oz, in clusters of 6-8. Sturdy on the grill. read more
ships year-round
Solanum lycopersicum (75 days) Open-pollinated. Brick-red metallic-striped uniformly round medium-large 10–15 oz fruits are delicious, sweet, and earthy. Plants are productive and disease-resistant. read more
ships year-round
Mountain Spirit - Organic
Slicing Tomato Seeds

Solanum lycopersicum (77 days) Open-pollinated. Medium-to-large 10–15 oz yellow-red bicolor tomato has lower acidity and gentle fruitiness. Great yields and overall performance. read more
ships year-round
Blacktail Mountain - Organic
Red and Pink Flesh Watermelon Seeds

Citrullus lanatus (71 days) Open-pollinated. Modern classic. Crunchy orange-red flesh. Dark green to nearly black round 4-15 lb fruit. Extra early and hardy. read more
ships year-round
Early Moonbeam - Organic
Yellow and Orange Flesh Watermelon Seeds

Citrullus lanatus (78 days) Open-pollinated. De-hybridized Yellow Doll. Sweet yellow flesh, light green skin with dark green stripes. 5-8 lb icebox size. read more
ships year-round
Zeppelin Delicata - Organic
Winter Squash Seeds

Cucurbita pepo (100 days) Open-pollinated. High-quality strain. 1 lb fruit has ivory skin with dark green stripes. Turns orange and yellow in storage. read more
ships year-round
Turtle Moon Blue Kuri - Organic
Kabocha - Winter Squash Seeds

Cucurbita maxima (95 days) Open-pollinated. 4–6 lb subtly ribbed, slightly flattened 6x5" fruits ripen to buff chestnut-brown with a blue sheen. Flesh is moist but not watery. Great keeper. read more