You are viewing all Fedco Seeds products related to “Tomatoes.”

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1 in Organic Growers Supply 
Amish Paste - Organic
Paste Tomato

Lycopersicon esculentum (85 days) Open-pollinated. Red oxheart nippled 8 oz heirloom paste. Consistent good flavor; sets the standard for paste tomatoes. read more


Bellstar - Organic
Paste Tomato

Lycopersicon esculentum (74 days) Open-pollinated. Red 4 oz round paste. Delicious flavor, also good in salads. Ripens over a long season. Determinate. read more


Blue Beech - Organic
Paste Tomato

Lycopersicon esculentum
(90 days) Ind. This large elongated red Roma type came to us acclimated to chilly Vermont, so it is better adapted to cold... read more


Grandma Mary’s - Organic
Paste Tomato

Lycopersicon esculentum (68 days) Open-pollinated. Red heirloom paste tomato selected for size and earliness. Meaty 6-10 oz fruits. read more


Heinz 2653 - Organic
Paste Tomato

Lycopersicon esculentum (68 days) Open-pollinated. Red 2.5-3 oz plum tomato. Firm fruits amazingly early. Small loaded plants with clean fruits. read more


Hog Heart - Organic
Paste Tomato

sold out
Lycopersicon esculentum (86 days) Open-pollinated. Deep red dry meaty paste; 6-8 oz tomatoes shaped like banana peppers. Noted for its sparse seed cavity and excellent flavor fresh, canned or frozen. read more


Mr. Fumarole - ECO
Paste Tomato

Lycopersicon esculentum
(65 days) Ind. This large elongated 3–6" pinkish plum tomato was a winner in our 2007 paste test. Comments included “top... read more


Opalka - ECO
Paste Tomato

Lycopersicon esculentum (82 days) Open-pollinated. 3x5" massive solid bull’s horn–shaped red fruits with dry texture, few seeds, and round mellow flavor. Dries well. read more


Orange Banana - Organic
Paste Tomato

Lycopersicon esculentum (85 days) Open-pollinated. Attractive orange cylindrical 3-4" paste tomato avg 4-5 oz. Best flavor, sprightly sweetness; makes ambrosial sauce. read more


Plum Regal
Paste Tomato

Lycopersicon esculentum (75 days) F-1 hybrid. Red paste, great tasting, late blight resistant, and moderately resistant to early blight. read more


Sheboygan - Organic
Paste Tomato

Lycopersicon esculentum (80 days) Open-pollinated. Lithuanian heirloom; productive pink 6-oz paste, subtly tapered to a rounded tip. Smooth full flavor. read more


Speckled Roman - Organic
Paste Tomato

Lycopersicon esculentum (85 days) Open-pollinated. Red paste with psychedelic orange-yellow striations, distictive nipple, 4-5 oz. Makes rich sweet tomatoey sauce. read more


Vilms - ECO
Paste Tomato

Lycopersicon esculentum (82 days) Open-pollinated. Blemish-free blood-red nippled 2 oz plums are solid but moist, perfect in salads and sandwiches. Gorgeous healthy plants produce great yields. read more


Aunt Ruby’s German Green - Organic
Slicing Tomato

Lycopersicon esculentum (85 days) Open-pollinated. Green with yellow and amber-pink tinge,12-16 oz, oblate beefsteak. Best green eating tomato. read more


Bizhiki - Organic
Slicing Tomato

Lycopersicon esculentum (75 days) Open-pollinated. Uniform bright red 3" globe-shaped open-pollinated tomato that holds its own with modern hybrids in the greenhouse. read more


Black Krim - Organic
Slicing Tomato

Lycopersicon esculentum (80 days) Open-pollinated. Iridescent purple with dark green shoulders, 12-18 oz, oblate with catfacing. Ripe when half green and firm. Dark juicy meaty interiors smoky, exquisite. read more


Black Prince - Organic
Slicing Tomato

Lycopersicon esculentum (75 days) Open-pollinated. Iridescent garnet-colored 5-7 oz globes, most uniformly handsome. Outstanding flavor. Reliable, heavy-yielding. read more


Cherokee Purple - Organic
Slicing Tomato

Lycopersicon esculentum (77 days) Open-pollinated. Dusky brownish-purple with green shoulders, 10-13 oz, round to slightly oblate. Brick-red flesh. One of the best-tasting heirlooms. read more


Chocolate Stripes Improved - Organic
Slicing Tomato

Lycopersicon esculentum (75 days) Open-pollinated. Brick-red metallic-striped uniformly round medium-large 10–15 oz fruits are delicious, sweet, and earthy. Plants are productive and disease-resistant. read more


Cosmonaut Volkov - Organic
Slicing Tomato

Lycopersicon esculentum (65 days) Open-pollinated. Deep red slightly flattened 8-12 oz globes. Always tasty, occasionally sublime. Superb home-garden variety with commercial potential. read more


Garden Peach
Slicing Tomato

Lycopersicon esculentum (71 days) Open-pollinated. Yellow pink-blushed fuzzy 2 oz fruit. Soft-skinned, juicy, very sweet and fruity heirloom. Relatively early and prolific. read more


German Johnson - Organic
Slicing Tomato

Lycopersicon esculentum (80 days) Open-pollinated. Pink large, 1 lb, meaty old heirloom. Mild and sweet. High yielding. read more


Glacier - Organic
Slicing Tomato

Lycopersicon esculentum (56 days) Open-pollinated. Red 1-2" fruit with no cosmetic defects besides yellow shoulders. Superior to other sub-arctics. Potato-leaf foliage. Determinate. read more


Golden Jubilee - Organic
Slicing Tomato

Lycopersicon esculentum (80 days) Open-pollinated. This orange slicer produces 8 oz globes that are smooth-textured, sweet, mild, and meaty. Smaller than Goldie and less prone to blemish. read more


Goldie - Organic
Slicing Tomato

Lycopersicon esculentum (75 days) Open-pollinated. Deep orange beefsteak-type, 16-20 oz, often bi-lobed. Rich flavor, velvety texture. Harvest when it gets a rosy blush on the blossom end. read more


Goldie - ECO
Slicing Tomato

Lycopersicon esculentum (75 days) Open-pollinated. Deep orange beefsteak-type, 16-20 oz, often bi-lobed. Rich flavor, velvety texture. Harvest when it gets a rosy blush on the blossom end. read more


Green Cherokee - Organic
Slicing Tomato

Lycopersicon esculentum
(75 days) Ind. Tomato expert Craig LeHoullier noticed and selected this sport of Cherokee Chocolate around 1997. A... read more


Green Zebra - Organic
Slicing Tomato

Lycopersicon esculentum (77 days) Open-pollinated. Green with dark-green stripes, blushing yellow and apricot when ripe; 4-5 oz fruits don't crack. Emerald-green interior, sweet and rich. read more


Heirloom Tomato Blend - Organic
Slicing Tomato

Lycopersicon esculentum Open-pollinated. For a surprise medley of colors, sizes, shapes and flavors, and all organically grown seed. No cherries. read more


Jet Star
Slicing Tomato

Lycopersicon esculentum (72 days) F-1 hybrid. Perfect red 7-8 oz globes. Top greenhouse tomato. Outstanding flavor. Smooth firm fruits never scar or crack. Prolific, early. read more


KC 146 - Organic
Slicing Tomato

Lycopersicon esculentum (75 days) Open-pollinated. Productive 5' plants produce a plethora of 9 oz. red round fruit with good rich tomatoey flavor. read more


Lillian’s Yellow - ECO
Slicing Tomato

Lycopersicon esculentum (88 days) Open-pollinated. Late yellow slicing tomato with amazing rich taste, sweet and citrusy. Prone to catfacing under stressful weather conditions. read more


Luci 2103 - Organic
Slicing Tomato

Lycopersicon esculentum (73 days) F-1 hybrid. Red uniform 6 oz fruits. Flavorful, mild, juicy, a little mealy. Rarely crack; no green shoulders. read more


Mark Twain - ECO
Slicing Tomato

Lycopersicon esculentum (85 days) Open-pollinated. Deep red heirloom beefsteak with full-bodied flavor. Good-sized and crack-free, though they won’t take a lot of handling. Lots of ribbed 8-24 oz oblate fruits. read more


Mountain Spirit - Organic
Slicing Tomato

Lycopersicon esculentum (77 days) Open-pollinated. Medium-to-large 10–15 oz yellow-red bicolor tomato has lower acidity and gentle fruitiness. Great yields and overall performance. read more


Oregon Spring - Organic
Slicing Tomato

Lycopersicon esculentum (58 days) Open-pollinated. Red, variable in size but up to 4". Unusually tasty for such an early variety. Performs best in cool summers. Determinate. read more


Paul Robeson - Organic
Slicing Tomato

Lycopersicon esculentum (78 days) Open-pollinated. Maroon-brick with dark green shoulders, 6-12 oz, oblate often bi-lobed. A distinctive sweet smoky flavor. read more


Pineapple - Organic
Slicing Tomato

Lycopersicon esculentum (85 days) Open-pollinated. Striped 1 lb irregular fruits. Yellow and red marbled flesh, silky smooth with complex low-acid fruity sweetness. read more


Pink Berkeley Tie-Dye - Organic
Slicing Tomato

Lycopersicon esculentum (68 days) Open-pollinated. The color of port with metallic green stripes. Great flavor, productivity, size, disease tolerance. Usually bi-lobed, avg 9 oz. Holds well in field. read more


Pink Brandywine - Organic
Slicing Tomato

Lycopersicon esculentum (82 days) Open-pollinated. The famous Brandywine whose sublime flavor put heirlooms on the map. Pink 1 lb oblate meaty beefsteak fruits. Potato-leaf foliage. read more


Slicing Tomato

Lycopersicon esculentum (60 days) F-1 hybrid. Red round uniform 4 oz fruits. Early and prolific. Firm, juicy and refreshing. Excellent holding quality in the field. read more


Pruden’s Purple - Organic
Slicing Tomato

Lycopersicon esculentum (72 days) Open-pollinated. Pink irregular 1 lb fruit. Rich tomato taste, neither cloying nor insipid. Productive and disease resistant. read more


Rose de Berne - Organic
Slicing Tomato

Lycopersicon esculentum (80 days) Open-pollinated. Pink 5 oz unblemished globes. The Brandywine of continental Europe. Excellent field-to-market variety that doesn't require high tunnels. read more


Ruby Gold - ECO
Slicing Tomato

Lycopersicon esculentum (90 days) Open-pollinated. Gigantic 1–3 lb red-streaked yellow fruits have marbled interior flesh, meaty smooth melting texture, and superb mild sweet flavor with nary a hint of acidity. read more


Rutgers 250 Schermerhorn - Organic
Slicing Tomato

Lycopersicon esculentum (70 days) Open-pollinated. Outstanding cooking and canning tomato with old-time flavor. Medium-sized 4–6 oz deep oblate fruits. read more


Soldacki - ECO
Slicing Tomato

Lycopersicon esculentum
(80 days) Ind. You won’t find a better sandwich tomato than Soldacki, a heavy producer of meaty tasty 14 oz pink globes... read more


Tiffen Mennonite - Organic
Slicing Tomato

Lycopersicon esculentum (86 days) Open-pollinated. Pink 15 oz rough oblate beefsteak. Rich old-fashioned heirloom tomato taste. Perfect for sandwiches. read more


Weaver’s Black Brandywine
Slicing Tomato

Lycopersicon esculentum (85 days) Open-pollinated. Also known as True Black Brandywine. Rich and peaty flattened large heirloom beefsteak looks coal-dusted over crimson, with shadows of green, purple and brown. read more


Weisnicht’s Ukrainian - Organic
Slicing Tomato

Lycopersicon esculentum (85 days) Open-pollinated. Very tasty rare pink 8–12 oz heirloom. Has performed well in cool wet summers. Potato-leaf foliage. read more


Yellow Brandywine - ECO
Slicing Tomato

Lycopersicon esculentum (82 days) Open-pollinated. Yellow large slightly ribbed 1 lb fruit with ring-scar at blossom end. Variable quality; eat the pretty ones, compost the rest. Potato-leaf foliage. read more


Yellow Brandywine - Organic
Slicing Tomato

Lycopersicon esculentum (82 days) Open-pollinated. Yellow large slightly ribbed 1 lb fruit with ring-scar at blossom end. Variable quality; eat the pretty ones, compost the rest. Potato-leaf foliage. read more


Aosta Valley - ECO
Small-Fruited Tomato

Lycopersicon esculentum (65 days) Open-pollinated. Prolific clusters of 10–12 1½" very shiny red fruits hold on the vine and can be picked all at once. Excellent fresh, stewed or added to sauce. read more


Be My Baby - Organic
Small-Fruited Tomato

Lycopersicon esculentum (65 days) Open-pollinated. This productive cherry is the result of a cross between a beefsteak and two cherries, one orange and one red. Rich sweet flavor, regular tomato foliage. read more


Black Cherry - Organic
Small-Fruited Tomato

Lycopersicon esculentum (75 days) Open-pollinated. Gorgeous two-bite dusky black cherry. Juicy, delicious, complex flavor of black tomatoes. Resists disease; cracks in wet weather. read more


Cherry Bomb - Organic
Small-Fruited Tomato

Lycopersicon esculentum (64 days) F-1 hybrid. Red small fruit, with bomb-proof resistance against late blight lineage US 23. Great taste, highly productive, great look at market. read more


Cherry Tomato Blend
Small-Fruited Tomato

Lycopersicon esculentum
We’ll mix a bunch of varieties in one packet. You’ll get different colors, sizes, shapes and flavors, all small-fruited... read more


Esterina - Organic
Small-Fruited Tomato

Lycopersicon esculentum (60 days) F-1 hybrid. Large bright yellow cherries! Productive, disease resistant, crack-free and borne in large clusters. read more


Flaming Burst
Small-Fruited Tomato

Lycopersicon esculentum
(70 days) Open-pollinated. Indeterminate. Tomato breeder Tom Wagner is a true auteur, whose depth of skill and imagination... read more


Gardener’s Delight
Small-Fruited Tomato

Lycopersicon esculentum (68 days) Open-pollinated. Deep red 1+" cherry. Superb rich sweet flavor makes up for annoying tendency to crack. read more


Gardener’s Delight - Organic
Small-Fruited Tomato

Lycopersicon esculentum (68 days) Open-pollinated. Deep red 1+" cherry. Superb rich sweet flavor makes up for annoying tendency to crack. read more


Gardener’s Sweetheart - Organic
Small-Fruited Tomato

Lycopersicon esculentum (62 days) Open-pollinated. Red miniature heart-shaped firm fruits, about ½ oz, in clusters of 6-8. Sturdy on the grill. read more


Honeydrop - Organic
Small-Fruited Tomato

Lycopersicon esculentum (62 days) Open-pollinated. Light orange sweet juicy treats, much less prone to cracking in wet weather than Sun Gold. read more


Small-Fruited Tomato

Lycopersicon esculentum (60 days) F-1 hybrid. Glossy red plum-shaped 1-2 oz grape tomato. Prolific, crack-resistant, versatile: use them fresh, dried, stewed, sauced. Sweet and tangy. read more


Small-Fruited Tomato

Lycopersicon esculentum (64 days) F-1 hybrid. Red 5-8g grapes. Super crunchy, some tartness and complexity. Some crack-resistance. Early and productive. read more


Mountain Magic
Small-Fruited Tomato

Lycopersicon esculentum (69 days) F-1 hybrid. Red round two-bite unblemished fruits. Juicy, rich, sprightly. Very marketable. Great vigor and disease-resistance. read more


Peacevine - Organic
Small-Fruited Tomato

Lycopersicon esculentum (78 days) Open-pollinated. Red 1" cherry. Similar to Sweet 100, bearing gazillions of clusters of sweet fruits. Dependable and prolific. read more


Pink Princess Gene Pool - Organic
Small-Fruited Tomato

Lycopersicon esculentum
(62 days) Rampant Ind. From the originators of comes the even more exciting Pink Princess, a recessive pink-fruited sport... read more


Pink Princess Gene Pool - ECO
Small-Fruited Tomato

Lycopersicon esculentum (62 days) Open-pollinated. Deliciously irresistable sweet pink cherry. Fruits averaging 12.7g begin maturing early in August. Thick skins somewhat resistant to cracking. read more


Pocket Star - ECO
Small-Fruited Tomato

Lycopersicon esculentum (74 days) Open-pollinated. Green with little flecks of gold; produces an abundance of 1" round fruits. Begins to show a slight golden yellow at the base when ready for harvest. read more


Principe Borghese - Organic
Small-Fruited Tomato

Lycopersicon esculentum (75 days) Open-pollinated. Red Italian heirloom cherry used for dried tomatoes. Rich, meaty, few seeds. Bears prolific clusters over a long season. No cracking. read more


Sun Gold
Small-Fruited Tomato

Lycopersicon esculentum (57 days) F-1 hybrid. Apricot-yellow small round cherry. Deep sweetness with citrusy, winey tartness. Early and extremely prolific, producing until frost. A modern classic. read more


Super Sweet 100
Small-Fruited Tomato

Lycopersicon esculentum (78 days) F-1 hybrid. Red round 1" cherry. Very popular, sweet. Will split in rain. Should be staked. read more


Sweet Aperitif - Organic
Small-Fruited Tomato

Lycopersicon esculentum (70 days) Open-pollinated. Bright red ⅞" Aperitif is sized like a huge currant or very small cherry. Sweet little jewels. read more


Sweet Aperitif
Small-Fruited Tomato

Lycopersicon esculentum (70 days) Open-pollinated. Bright red ⅞" Aperitif is sized like a huge currant or very small cherry. Sweet little jewels. read more


Sweet Treats
Small-Fruited Tomato

Lycopersicon esculentum (75 days) F-1 hybrid. Gorgeous deep rose large 20-30g cherry. Slowly ripens from pink to deep rose with matte finish. Low-acid, tasty, mellow. read more


Tropical Sunset - Organic
Small-Fruited Tomato

Lycopersicon esculentum (65 days) Open-pollinated. Orange and rosy streaked beach-party bicolor 1" tender-skinned round cherry. Fruity, sweet, mild acid. read more
