You are viewing all Fedco Seeds products related to “Independent Breeders.”

Mizspoona Salad Selects Gene Pool - Organic
Mustard - Asian Greens

Brassica rapa (40 days) Open-pollinated. Medium-dark green variably shaped leaves. Zingy. Excellent for salads or braised. read more


Purple Rapa Mix Gene Pool - Organic
Mustard - Asian Greens

Brassica rapa (45 days) Open-pollinated. Tall frilly medium-hot serrated green leaves with purple veins and shading, with nice variation among plants. read more


Redventure - Organic

sold out
Apium graveolens (84 days) Open-pollinated. Delicious chewy stalks with interior red color. Lively flavor for soups, salads, casseroles. read more


Blue Mountain - Organic
Flint Corn

Zea mays (88 days) Open-pollinated. Fast-maturing blue flint corn great for grits, polenta, hominy and cornbread. read more


Montana Morado Maize - Organic
Flour Corn

Zea mays (90 days) Open-pollinated. Dark purple kernels on long thing ears. Fast maturing, highly nutritious. Great for flour. read more


Painted Mountain - Organic
Flour Corn

Zea mays (85 days) Open-pollinated. 5' plant with 6-7" cobs. Kernels are gold, orange, red and purple. Multi-colored tassels. read more


Dakota Black - Organic

Zea mays (100 days) Open-pollinated. Compact plant with one ear each. 4.5" dark maroon-black ears with 15 rows. 4' stalks. read more


South Wind - Organic
Slicing Cucumber

Cucumis sativus
(55 days) Open-pollinated. Another stand-up variety from Edmund Frost, who focused in on bacterial wilt tolerance as well as downy... read more


Flashback - Organic
Calendula - Flower Seed

Calendula officinalis (55 days) Open-pollinated. Mix of orange, apricot and peachy doubled petals, all with red backing. read more


Solar Flashback - Organic
Calendula - Flower Seed

Calendula officinalis (55 days) Open-pollinated. Yellow, pinkish-blond, some with light tips, all with contrasting red backs. read more


Zeolights - Organic
Calendula - Flower Seed

Calendula officinalis Open-pollinated. Pinky-maroon and yellow with dark centers. read more


Wrinkled Crinkled Crumpled Cress - Organic
Specialty Greens

Lepidium sativum (30 days) Open-pollinated. Broad leaves are extremely ruffled, wrinkled and savoyed. Spicy, tangy and sweet. Good in salad mix and bunched for market. read more


Rainbow Lacinato - Organic
Curly Kale

Brassica oleracea (acephala group) (61 days) Open-pollinated. Lacinato crossed with Redbor. Curly edges, red veins, purple or blue-green leaves, diverse shapes and colors. Productive and cold-hardy. read more


Dazzling Blue - Organic
Dinosaur Kale

Brassica oleracea (acephala group) (60 days) Open-pollinated. Vigorous upright lacinato-leaved kale in a range of bluish-green shades, all with a dramatic pink mid-rib. read more


White Russian - Organic
Siberian Kale

Brassica napus (pabularia group) (60 days) Open-pollinated. Serrated silvery-green flat-leaf Siberian-type kale with white veining. Sweetens after frost. Extremely cold hardy. read more


Garnet Butter Gem - Organic
Butterhead Lettuce

Lactuca sativa (48 days) Open-pollinated. Compact tight uniform heads form upright rosettes for a clean market and salad harvest. Pebbled leaves shaded red and light plum on a green base. read more


Really Red Deer Tongue - Organic
Deer Tongue Lettuce

Lactuca sativa (48 days) Open-pollinated. Deep red pointed deer-tongue leaves and contrasting white-green stems. Withstands some heat. read more


Gildenstern - Organic
Iceberg or Crisphead Lettuce

Lactuca sativa (46 days) Open-pollinated. Folded and blistered light green leaves wrap into a tight crisp whorled 4" head that easily makes a single-serving salad. read more


Freedom Lettuce Gene-Pool - Organic
Lettuce Blend

Lactuca sativa Open-pollinated. At least 10-12 different forms of disease-resistant great-tasting lettuces. And all open-source seed. read more


Lollo di Vino - Organic
Lollo Rosso Lettuce

Lactuca sativa (56 days) Open-pollinated. Beautiful compact Lollo-type has extremely dark purple-red leaves with ruffles and curls. Very mild flavor for type. Stays non-bitter longer. read more


Hyper Red Rumple Waved - Organic
Looseleaf Lettuce

Lactuca sativa (50 days) Open-pollinated. Very deep red savoyed leaves with extreme ruffling. Good flavor and texture. Fair heat resistance and good cold tolerance. read more


Antares - Organic
Oakleaf Lettuce

Lactuca sativa (48 days) Open-pollinated. Very large vigorous oakleaf lettuce with extra-frilled bright pink and bronze leaves. Withstands some heat. Start in early spring for an amazing show. read more


Elf Ears Oak - Organic
Oakleaf Lettuce

Lactuca sativa (50 days) Open-pollinated. Bright green leaf with deeply cut lobes, crowned in extra-extended narrow tips. Compact form, easy salad cutting or clean full-head presentation. read more


Flashy Green Butter Oak - Organic
Oakleaf Lettuce

Lactuca sativa (54 days) Open-pollinated. Beautiful troutback/oakleaf cross, with rich lime-green oakleaves showing dark speckles. Excellent flavor and texture. read more


Blushed Butter Cos - Organic
Romaine Lettuce

Lactuca sativa (49 days) Open-pollinated. Unique Butterhead/Romaine combination with ruffled savoyed leaves dappled red and green. Very crisp and buttery. read more


Mayan Jaguar - Organic
Romaine Lettuce

Lactuca sativa (51 days) Open-pollinated. Best of the speckled types. Dark green ruffled leaves mottled with maroon-red spots. Sweet juicy veins, blushed pink heart. Poor heat tolerance. read more


Grusha - ECO
Galia-type Melon

Cucumis melo
(80 days) Open-pollinated. This story begins when former Fedco staffer Heron Breen heard tell of a “lost” disease-resistant... read more


King Sieg - Organic

Allium ampeloprasum (porrum group) (84 days) Open-pollinated. 6" tall, 3" thick shanks. Blue-green leaves. Very cold tolerant. A good candidate for overwintering. read more


Val-Aux-Vents - ECO

Allium cepa (aggregatum group) (105 days) Open-pollinated. Handsome golden-bronze 1¼–2" bulbs uniformly divide into triples and quadruples, store into the spring, and have a luxurious caramel flavor. read more


Carrot Bomb - Organic
Hot Pepper

Capsicum annuum (74 days) Open-pollinated. Round 1-2" shiny bright tangerine fruits on sturdy plants. Heat is comparable to a mild jalapeño, but varies with the weather. read more


Matchbox - Organic
Hot Pepper

Capsicum annuum (75 days) Open-pollinated. Pale green to deep scarlet 2" long, 1/3" wide. Hot! 30,000-50,000 Scovilles. Prolific. read more


Sweet Dakota Rose - Organic
Red & Pink Flesh Watermelon

Citrullus lanatus (82 days) Open-pollinated. Modern classic. Red flesh with few seeds. Round-to-oval 8-12 lb fruit with dark green stripes on light green base. read more


Uncle David’s Dakota Dessert - Organic
Buttercup - Winter Squash

Cucurbita maxima (95 days) Open-pollinated. Slightly smaller than the standard Burgess, with a lighter green rind. Very high-quality fruits. read more


Zeppelin Delicata - Organic
Winter Squash

Cucurbita pepo (100 days) Open-pollinated. High-quality strain. 1 lb fruit has ivory skin with dark green stripes. Turns orange and yellow in storage. read more
