Lactuca sativa Open-pollinated. Refined, fancy, pricy and rare lettuces, all suitable for cut-and-come-again culture. Contrasting colors and leaf forms and all organic!
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Lactuca sativa Open-pollinated. Contrasting colors and leaf forms! At least a half-dozen different lettuces, all suitable for cut-and-come-again culture.
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Lactuca sativa Open-pollinated. Contrasting colors and leaf forms and all certified organic! At least a half-dozen different lettuces, all suitable for cut-and-come-again culture.
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Lactuca sativa Open-pollinated. A rich mix of over a half-dozen organically grown bronze and red varieties. Contrasting leaf shapes to please in the garden and in the salad bowl.
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Lactuca sativa Open-pollinated. Blend of kinds that stand the cold, for late fall eating, for keeping under cover for winter salads, for winter survival and the earliest spring growth.
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