Fedco Seeds: New Items
Ocimum basilicum (55 days) Open-pollinated. Bright, lemony and fragrant. Upright, mounded plants doesn’t get leggy. Delightful in salads, teas, desserts, marinades, lemonade and more.
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Phaseolus vulgaris (55 days) Open-pollinated. An early fresh-eating pole bean known for its distinctive umami flavor when cooked.
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Phaseolus vulgaris (59 days) Open-pollinated. Produces heavy yields of fleshy medium-green 5" pods that are slow to develop seeds. Pods aren’t as wide as Roma II, but walls are thicker and juicier.
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Brassica oleracea (gemmifera group) (105 days) F-1 hybrid. Tall-stalked Divino’s plentiful very tight half-dollar-sized sprouts are dark green. Open branch architecture makes for low presence of aphids.
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Brassica oleracea (105 days) Open-pollinated. Compact deep-burgundy red heads are excellent raw, cooked or fermented. In good storage they'll keep till March.
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Callistephus chinensis (110 days) Open-pollinated. Lustrous salmony-pink peony-type 2–3" blooms. Bred for uniform height and bloom time.
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Callistephus chinensis (110 days) Open-pollinated. Irresistible bicolor 2–3" peony-type blooms of iridescent white and purple. Bred for uniform height and bloom time.
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Zea mays (95 days) Open-pollinated. A nutrient-dense grain that is fast maturing under harsh conditions, and stands strong for machine harvest. The soft starch makes fluffy cornbread and also binds well for Johnnycakes and tortillas.
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Zea mays (85 days) Open-pollinated. This superior flour corn boasts hardiness, earliness and vigor. Ears are solid-colored and can be sorted for use based on kernel color: Pancake White, Parching Red, Parching Starburst and Brown Gravy.
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Solanum melongena (60 days) F-1 hybrid. This high-yielding hybrid version of Asian-type Pingtung Long produces 14"-long, 1½"-thick fruits with mild tender flesh.
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Sorghum bicolor (105 days) Open-pollinated. Sprays of ornamental seedheads in gold, bronze, brown, black, burgundy, red and cream are great for making natural straw brooms and classic autumnal displays. Small shiny seeds are beloved by birds.
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Cichorium endivia
(45 days) Open-pollinated. Developed by Wild Garden Seed out of their Chicendive project, originally a cross of chicory and... read more
(45 days) Open-pollinated. Developed by Wild Garden Seed out of their Chicendive project, originally a cross of chicory and... read more
Nasturtium officinale
(60 days) Open-pollinated. Perennial to Zone 4, native to Europe. Start seeds indoors and transplant to cold frame, keeping... read more
(60 days) Open-pollinated. Perennial to Zone 4, native to Europe. Start seeds indoors and transplant to cold frame, keeping... read more
Allium ampeloprasum (porrum group) (100 days) Open-pollinated. Highly uniform and reliable OP leek with impressive cold tolerance, gorgeous dark blue-green leaves, and medium-length white shanks.
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Lobelia cardinalis Open-pollinated. This gorgeous wetland native wildflower and hummingbird magnet can be grown in moist garden soils or meadows. 2–4' tall
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Tagetes tenuifolia (68 days) Open-pollinated. Bears tiny abundant “gems” in shades of crimson, burnt orange and yellow. Excellent for containers and companion planting. Edible flowers. 12–15" tall.
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Allium cepa
(110 days) Open-pollinated. An excellent red onion for northern growers and a superior keeper. Bred in Southport, CT, in 1873, Red... read more
(110 days) Open-pollinated. An excellent red onion for northern growers and a superior keeper. Bred in Southport, CT, in 1873, Red... read more
Campanula carpatica Open-pollinated. Perennial. Also known as Bellflower or Carpathian Harebell. Masses of light azure bellflowers above a tidy mound of foliage. Pelleted for ease of sowing.
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Talinum paniculatum (95 days) Open-pollinated. Petite pink flowers on thin stems mature into airy glistening bronze-to-burgundy sprays of teensy seedpods. Annual.
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Ammobium alatum (75 days) Open-pollinated. Shimmery ½" pearl-like buds on long stems add a studded silvery sparkle to both fresh summer arrangements and to dried bouquets and wreaths.
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Nepeta cataria Open-pollinated. Grows to 3' tall and wide. Lavender blooms in late summer are a favorite of honeybees.
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Matricaria recutita (60 days) Open-pollinated. One of the most widely known herbs, powerful yet gentle, long used to promote relaxation.
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Capsicum annuum (70 days green, 90 days red ripe) F-1 hybrid. Juicy, blocky, thick-walled jalapeños with the right amount of spice.
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Open-pollinated. Truly amazing blooms on thin wiry stems look like crepe paper dipped in lavender-grey ink. Semi-double flowers range from... read more
Open-pollinated. Truly amazing blooms on thin wiry stems look like crepe paper dipped in lavender-grey ink. Semi-double flowers range from... read more
Raphanus sativus (23 days) Open-pollinated. A classic, done well. Impressively heat tolerant; roots can become quite large while maintaining round shape and resisting pithiness.
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Antirrhinum majus (110 days) F-1 hybrid. A marvelous assembly of our favorite pinks and purples from the Potomac Snapdragon series. All colors mature at the same time and have impressively sturdy stems and a long vase life.
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Matthiola incana (90 days) Open-pollinated. Soft lovely mostly double blooms sit atop sturdy 24" stems. A bouquet of this stock can perfume an entire room with its deep warm peppery scent.
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Xerochrysum bracteatum (80 days) Open-pollinated. Light pink to warm rose 2–2½" double flowers bloom lavishly throughout the season for stellar fresh and dried bouquets. Annual.
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Solanum lycopersicum (75 days) Open-pollinated. This fantastic cherry tomato is beautiful, healthy, highly productive, resistant to cracking and not resistant to flavor. 10–20g fruits.
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Solanum lycopersicum (70 days) F-1 hybrid. Vibrant orange, remarkably sweet and juicy 15g fruits crack slightly more than other grapes, but glorious flavor and tender skins more than make up for it.
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Solanum lycopersicum (70 days) F-1 hybrid. Plants flower continuously and set fruit throughout the season for abundant harvests of delicious 15–22g shiny red grape tomatoes. Great in the field and a good choice for containers.
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Solanum lycopersicum (60 days) Open-pollinated. In our trials this mighty OP outperformed many grape-type hybrids in earliness, productivity and flavor. Good for fresh eating, cooking and processing.
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