


bare-root trees
Asimina triloba 10-30' × same.

The only fruit we grow in Maine that tastes like rich vanilla mango custard! Smooth-skinned 6" yellow-green oblong fruits have yellow flesh when ripe. High in protein and anti-oxidants, this fruit was a staple across the central parts of the US and were once a common and prolific understory tree. Ripens in late fall when they begin to feel like a good banana and detach easily from the stem. Maroon-colored 2" spring flowers look like doubled trilliums. Large drooping tropical-looking foliage.

Plant two or more for pollination and space plants 10-15' apart. Prefers light shade and rich well-drained soil with neutral pH. Native Pennsylvania to Georgia, west to Nebraska. Once impossible to grow in Maine, they are beginning to put on size and bear fruit in our warming climate but still need protection from harsh winter winds. Z5. NEW! (1-3' bare-root trees)

Items from our perennial plants warehouse ordered on or before March 7 will ship around March 31 through late April, starting with warmer areas and finishing in colder areas. Orders placed after March 7 will ship around late April through early-to-mid May, in the order in which they were received.

ships in spring

7629 Pawpaw

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