Cascade Ruby-Gold Flint Corn - Organic


Cascade Ruby-Gold Flint Corn - Organic

Zea mays
(85 days) Open-pollinated. Breeder Carol Deppe brings us this very early and productive true flint corn with big seeds on medium-narrow cobs that dry down quickly. Superb for cornbread, johnny cakes and polenta. Ears, 8–12" long with 8–12 rows, are solid-colored but husking each one reveals a surprise: red, red-brown, dark red, orange-gold, maple-gold, gold or yellow! Interior kernel color is gold. Each color produces a different flavor of cornbread; red shades have a richer flavor, while yellows are milder. All colors are great! Carol’s recipes can be found in her book The Resilient Gardener. She bred this corn by crossing Abenaki Calais with Byron Flint, selecting for a variety that could get growers through the good times and the bad. Does well even in downright cold summers. Good husk coverage provides protection against birds and corn earworms. Also beautifully ornamental. OSSI. Breeder Royalties. Independent Breeder.

Items shipping from our garden seeds warehouse take 1–3 business days to process.

ships year-round
OGThis item is certified organic

681 Cascade Ruby-Gold Flint Corn - Organic

A: 1oz
B: 8oz
C: 1lb
D: 5lb

Additional Information

Flint and Flour Corn

Average 100-160 seeds/oz. All open-pollinated. Days to maturity are for dry stage.


  • About 85–200 seeds/oz. Seeds per packet vary.
    • Open-pollinated selections average 100 seeds/oz
    • Normal sugary varieties 140 seeds/oz
    • SE cultivars with shrunken seeds 150-160 seeds/oz
  • Days to maturity are from emergence after direct sowing; for transplants, subtract 20 days.

Culture: Untreated sweet corn seed will not germinate in cold wet soil. Please be patient and wait till soil warms to at least 60° before sowing, or start seedlings indoors and transplant at 3–6" before taproots take off. Minimum soil temperature 55°, optimal temperature range 65–85°. Tender, will not survive frost. Heavy nitrogen requirements.

Germination Testing

For the latest results of our germination tests, please see the germination page.

Our Seeds are Non-GMO


All of our seeds are non-GMO, and free of neonicotinoids and fungicides. Fedco is one of the original companies to sign the Safe Seed Pledge.