Cucumis sativus (64 days) Open-pollinated. Psst! We’d love to pass on a secret known to few: this superior Cornell University slicer may be the best eating cucumber of them all. Megan Rulli of Piney Mountain Orchard in Gardners, PA, calls Silver Slicer “the cucumber of my dreams.” Incorporates all of the good features of Boothby’s Blonde in a better package. Longer (7–8") and slimmer (fairly narrow 1" core) than Boothby’s with a creamy-white tender skin. Heavy set of buttery crunchy crisp fruits, neither watery nor ever bitter. Resists PM and keeps going till September. Seed for this variety is sold under a license and a portion of the proceeds goes to support public vegetable breeding at Cornell. About 51 seeds/g. Breeder Royalties.①
Items shipping from our garden seeds warehouse take 1–3 business days to process.
Days to maturity are from seeding date. From transplant, subtract 20 days.
Culture: May be started indoors for early production, or direct-seeded when soil has warmed. Minimum germination soil temperature 65°, optimal range 65–95°. Very tender, will not survive frost. Direct seed 3" apart thinning to 1' apart in rows 4–6' apart or 6 per mound in hills 4' apart thinning to 3 best plants. For transplants: once seedlings have 1–2 true leaves, about 3 weeks old, plant 1' apart in rows 4–6' apart. Cucumbers require good fertility and regular rain or irrigation for abundant yields. Without adequate water, fruits will be misshapen and bitter. Pick cukes frequently for best production, or else the plants shut down. Make sure to remove blimps to the compost pile.
Combat striped cucumber beetles by handpicking early AM when the dew makes them sluggish, or use floating row covers, removing when cukes flower. Cucumber beetles are the vector for BW.
Using compost in conjunction with row covers (rather than either alone) increased cucumber yields at the University of Michigan.
Parthenocarpic varieties can set fruit without being pollinated, an advantage in cold cloudy summers. Gynoecious varieties produce almost exclusively female flowers for uniformity and high yields.
Saving Seed: Saving cucumber seed is easy! Take that big yellow cuke that got away and save it for seed. Scoop out the guts of overripe fruit and ferment it in an uncovered container for a few days. A moldy gross cap to the slurry means the seeds are ready to rinse and dry. To ensure true-to-type seed, grow only one open-pollinated variety per season.
ALS: Alternaria Leaf Spot
ANTH: Anthracnose
BW: Bacterial Wilt
CMV: Cucumber Mosaic Virus
CVYV: Cucumber Vein Yellow Virus
DM: Downy Mildew
PM: Powdery Mildew
PRSV: Papaya Ring Spot Virus
R: Rust
WMV: Watermelon Mosaic Virus
ZYMV: Zucchini Yellows Mosaic Virus
Pest: Striped Cucumber Beetle Cultural controls: use tolerant or resistant varieties, rotate crops, till under crop debris soon after harvest, use floating row covers until flowers appear, use plastic mulch, perimeter trap cropping (Black Zucchini and Blue Hubbard make particularly good trap crops), use yellow sticky strips, hand-pick early morning when beetles are very sluggish. Materials: Surround, Pyrethrum (PyGanic).
Germination Testing
For the latest results of our germination tests, please see the germination page.
Our Seeds are Non-GMO
All of our seeds are non-GMO, and free of neonicotinoids and fungicides. Fedco is one of the original companies to sign the Safe Seed Pledge.