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The longer I live the greater is my respect for manure in all its forms.


ships year-round
Perennial legume, up to 3' high. This fragrant plant has beautiful purple flowers and is great for hay and as a cover crop. Herbalists consider it a valuable nutritive tonic. read more
ships year-round
Annual spring grain. Variety: Robust. Suitable for home brewing. Reliable, valuable feed grain for livestock. read more
ships year-round
Annual spring grain. Truly hulless variety, which makes for quick, easy, low-tech processing. Fast-growing, and competes well with weeds. Tolerates drought and heavy soils. read more
ships year-round
Bell Beans
Farm Seed

Annual or winter annual legume. Great for fixing nitrogen, and building large amounts of biomass. Bell beans will happily sprout in half-frozen soil, and tolerate a wide range of soil conditions. read more
ships year-round
Annual broadleaf. Excellent cover crop for outcompeting summer weeds. Makes tasty flour for pancakes or baked goods. Bees like its abundant nectar. read more
ships year-round
Annual brassica. Widely adaptable and versatile winter-hardy cover crop and oilseed plant; tolerates poor conditions. Excellent nutrient scavenger. Sow when you would for winter rye. read more
ships year-round
Perennial legume. Up to 12". Vigorous large-leafed white clover. Readily self-seeds. Excellent for perennial grazing pasture and improving soil quality in areas transitioning from woody growth. read more
ships year-round
Tender biennial legume. Up to 18". Rapid growth in cool weather makes this vigorous clover great for cover cropping and green manure. Crimson blooms attract bees and make good cutflowers. read more
ships year-round
Perennial legume. The lowest-growing clover. This shade- and traffic-tolerant perennial makes nice garden paths and living mulch. Our most popular clover. read more
ships year-round
Short-lived perennial legume. Up to 24". A high-yielding red hay clover with glabrous stems for fast dry-down. Excellent winter hardiness and persistence. Good for acidic or wet soils. read more
ships year-round
Perennial legume. 8–12" tall. Fantastic nitrogen fixer with great protein and digestibility. Tall enough to be harvested for hay, silage, and green chop. Good choice for poorly drained soil. read more
ships year-round
Biennial legume. Up to 36". Vigorous red clover for cover cropping or grazing. Deep taproot. Tolerates shade, so a good choice for overseeding into standing crops. Blossoms make a lovely tea. read more
ships year-round
Short-lived perennial legume. Up to 24". Vigorous and high-yielding clover suitable for pastures, underseeding and cover-cropping. More drought-tolerant than white clover. read more
ships year-round
Perennial legume. Up to 9". Small-leafed perennial clover establishes quickly and withstands traffic and close mowing. Our favorite clover for organic pasture. read more
ships year-round
Biennial legume. Up to 6'. Vigorous clover for cover cropping, bee forage and green manure. Long thick taproots are very effective at breaking up subsoils and improving soil aeration. read more
ships year-round
Deep-rooted Daikon Radish
Farm Seed

out-of-stock, substitute 8106.
Broadleaf annual. Roots penetrate hardpans and loosen soil down to 30" or beyond. Takes up available soil nutrients and prevents losses to leaching or runoff. Suppresses weeds if planted thickly. read more
ships year-round
Broadleaf annual. Roots penetrate hardpans and loosen soil down to 30" or beyond. Takes up available soil nutrients and prevents losses to leaching or runoff. Suppresses weeds if planted thickly. read more
ships year-round
Annual legume. Also called Forage Peas. Great as weed-smothering workhorse soil builder, or a tasty and highly digestible forage. Likes cool moist conditions. Will grow in most soil types. read more
ships year-round
Perennial broadleaf, up to 18". Very high digestibility. Protein levels up to 50% higher than alfalfa. Stands may live 5 years or longer, but it’s also valuable for pasture or green chop. read more
ships year-round
Annual or winter annual grass. Extremely frost hardy. Widely adaptable. Will establish quickly in cool wet spring weather, providing a dense cover crop and outcompeting weeds. Good erosion control. read more
ships year-round
Annual or winter annual grass. Extremely frost hardy. Widely adaptable. Will establish quickly in cool wet spring weather, providing a dense cover crop and outcompeting weeds. Good erosion control. read more
ships year-round
Annual grass. Vigorous, competitive, adaptable cover crop or annual forage. Likes heat and high fertility. Grows best in warm weather when other grasses slow down. read more
ships year-round
Japanese Millet
Grass - Farm Seed

Annual grass. Vigorous and versatile! Good for hay, forage, weed-smothering, building soil, and controlling erosion. Tolerates waterlogged soils, low fertility and cool conditions. read more
ships year-round
Perennial grass. Long-lived vigorous grass. Tall leafy plants grow rapidly even in poor soils, tolerates moderately drained soils. Can be established in spring, summer, or even late winter. read more
ships year-round
Short-lived perennial grass. Extremely palatable forage grass, popular in grazing mixes. Germinates quickly and grows rapidly, suppressing weeds. Holds up under heavy traffic. Good pest resistance. read more
ships year-round
Tall Fescue - Organic
Grass - Farm Seed

Perennial grass. Long-lived, versatile and low-maintenance grass good for pasture, lawn, or hay. Deep and extensive root system protects against erosion. Tolerates most adverse conditions. read more
ships year-round
Timothy - Organic
Grass - Farm Seed

Perennial grass. A popular perennial hay species that produces good yields, resists lodging and is easily cut and cured. Very winter hardy. Does not tolerate heat or drought. read more
ships year-round
Triticale is a hybrid of wheat and rye, and boasts many advantages over plain winter rye. This variety was selected for winter hardiness and consistently high yields of both forage and seed yields. read more
ships year-round
Annual or winter annual legume. Vigorous cover crop generates copious amounts of organic matter. Excellent nitrogen fixation. Moderately frost resistant. read more
ships year-round
B&B Summer Mix
Mixes - Farm Seed

A cover crop blend of 40% buckwheat, 40% BMR sorghum/sudangrass, and 20% Sunn Hemp for nitrogen fixation. Loves heat. First-rate smother crop and biomass builder formulated to reliably winter-kill. read more
ships year-round
Grass Seed: CR Lawn Mix
Mixes - Farm Seed

All-purpose lawn blend for the Northeast. Good for a range of conditions, full sun to partial shade. Makes a great understory for orchards and other perennial woody crops. read more
ships year-round
Superb cover crop mix for fall planting where mechanical tillage is available the following spring. 78% winter rye and 22% hairy vetch. Adds nitrogen to the soil and suppresses weed growth. read more
ships year-round
Magic Carpet Mix
Mixes - Farm Seed

Diverse multispecies clover-heavy mix is great as a soil-building living mulch under tall-growing competitive crops, like cannabis. Suitable in raised beds, containers and high tunnels. read more
ships year-round
With annuals and biennials, grasses and legumes and broadleafs, and roots of all shapes and sizes, this blend mimics natural diversity and encourages a flourishing and balanced microbial population. read more
ships year-round
This mix offers organic matter production, nitrogen fixation, nutrient scavenging, erosion control, and weed suppression. Perfect for no-till growers and gardeners who work with hand tools only. read more
ships year-round
Pasture Mix - Organic
Mixes - Farm Seed

Perennial pasture mix of grasses and clover, well suited to Maine and other areas with similarly variable weather and temperatures. Provides season-long regrowth and good grazing. read more
ships year-round
Pea/Oat Mix - Organic
Mixes - Farm Seed

This dynamic cover crop duo has become a favorite of growers who value its vigorous growth and soil-building prowess, along with the assurance that it will winterkill up North. read more
ships year-round
A superior soil-building cover crop mix. The oats come up first and are pulled down by the peas, which are then pulled down by the smothering vetch. Weeds don’t stand a chance in that jungle! read more
ships year-round
Farm Seed

Annual broadleaf. Great cover crop to retain nutrients, suppress weeds and improve water penetration. Breaks down into compounds toxic to nematodes and soil-borne pathogens. read more
ships year-round
Annual grass. A solid all-purpose oat. Generates biomass and smothers weeds. Tolerates bad weather and soil conditions. Excellent feed for cows and horses. read more
ships year-round
Annual grass. Vigorous, lush foliage. Significantly more biomass production than common oats, making them superior for cover-cropping/soil-building, and for feeding livestock. Organic seed. read more
ships year-round
Annual grass. Vigorous, lush foliage. Significantly more biomass production than common oats, making them superior for cover-cropping/soil-building, and for feeding livestock. Conventional seed. read more
ships year-round
Annual grass. Great for food or feed. The hull sheds easily during the normal threshing process—industrial-grade milling not required! Medium straw. Resistant to crown rust. read more
ships year-round
Sunn Hemp
Farm Seed

Annual legume. Rock star cover crop builds organic matter, fixes atmospheric nitrogen, controls harmful nematodes, and still finds time to be beautiful! Grows vigorously in warm conditions. read more
ships year-round
Annual grain. Hard red spring variety that bakers favor for its superior milling and baking qualities. High in protein, very high test weight. Solid disease resistance. read more
ships year-round
Winter annual grain. Extremely cold hardy hard red wheat. Flour has great flavor and texture, and sturdy plants make great straw. Good for small spaces. Well adapted to New England. Will Bonsall fave! read more
ships year-round
Winter annual grain. Makes tender pastries, quick breads and pancakes. Also good for brewing wheat beers, or as a livestock feed. read more
ships year-round
Winter annual grass. Extremely frost hardy, adaptable and competitive. For cover crop or grain. Deep extensive roots help prevent compaction and improve soil tilth. Vigorous spring regrowth. read more