a bouquet of flowers Frequently Asked Questions

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Can I order by phone?
How can I request a catalog?
I requested a catalog. Where is it?
Do you sell gift certificates?
Why are there deadlines for ordering?
Can I order products from any division on one order form?
Can I combine totals from different divisions to get a discount or a higher discount?
Can I come and shop in your store?
Do I have to be a member of the Cooperative, or part of a group, to order?
Can I get an express shipment?
Why can’t my tree order be shipped in September or March instead of April?
Why can’t my potatoes be shipped in early March?
Are all of Fedco’s seeds organic?
Are any of Fedco’s seeds treated with fungicides?
Does Fedco sell any genetically modified seeds?
What if something is missing from my order? Or if I received the wrong item?
What if my tree/shrub/plant arrives dead or badly damaged?
What if my seed does not germinate well or is not true to type?
Does Fedco ever donate outdated seeds?
Can I get a letter that my seeds are GMO-free?
Can I get a letter that the products I buy are allowable for organic certification?
May I return something I ordered in error?
How do I plant my seeds?
What varieties should I plant?

Specific questions about logging in? Try this FAQ.

Still have unanswered questions? Email us: questions@fedcoseeds.com