Pasture Mix - Organic


Pasture Mix - Organic

30% perennial ryegrass, 35% endophyte-free tall fescue, 15% orchard grass, 10% timothy, 10% white clover. Perennial pasture mix well suited to Maine and other areas having our variable weather and temperatures. Provides season-long regrowth and good grazing. Plant at 40–50#/acre, 1#/1000 sq ft.
OGThis item is certified organic

8094 Pasture Mix - Organic
Item Discounted
B: 2.0 lb $26.50
C: 10.0 lb $115.00
D: 45.0 lb $360.00

Additional Information

Farm Seed

Click here for more info on uses of farm seed.

Organic Seed

We are a MOFGA-certified organic repacker and handler of seed and feed.

None of our seed is treated with fungicides.

Organically grown seed is labeled OG.

Click here for more info on organic certification.