Malus ‘Geneva 11’ Apple

Malus ‘Geneva 11’ Apple

Malus (Apple) Also called G11. Cornell University intro, NY. Dwarf rootstock produces a tree about a third the size of standard, about halfway between M9 and M26 (a bit larger than Bud 9).

Space trees 8-10' apart. Suckers only slightly. Moderately susceptible to woolly aphid. Excellent fireblight resistance. Requires staking and irrigation in most locations. Z4/5.

We have two shipping options for rootstock:

Choose A for our regular late-March to early-May shipping window (to receive rootstock with other plants, if ordered).
Choose B for mid-March (to receive rootstock with scionwood, if ordered).

Note: scionwood ships only in mid-March. If you order scionwood, and then select late-March to early-May shipping for your rootstock, they will be shipped at different times.

We do our best to provide ¼" caliper stock. Because of factors beyond our control (such as weather!) stock may be 31638".

ships in spring

7325 Malus ‘Geneva 11’

A: 1 bundle of 10, late-March to mid-May shipment
B: 1 bundle of 10, mid-March shipment
early shipment; order deadline has passed

Additional Information

Hardy Rootstocks

We do our best to provide ¼" caliper stock. Because of factors beyond our control (such as weather!) stock may be 31638".

For more info:
About Rootstock


All apple trees require a second variety for pollination.

For more info: