Sweet Dakota Rose Red and Pink Flesh Watermelon - Organic

Sweet Dakota Rose Red and Pink Flesh Watermelon - Organic

Citrullus lanatus
(82 days) Open-pollinated. When David Nonnenmacher of Hawley, PA, claimed his absolute beauties started at 15 lb and topped off at 26 and 28, he would perhaps forgive our skepticism. You couldn’t grow those in Maine, we thought, until Erica Rudloff of Exeter proved us wrong by exhibiting her magnificent 19-lb specimen at the 2015 Common Ground Fair. Bred by David Podoll of North Dakota to be intermediate between its parents, small early maturing Early Canada and enormous late-maturing Black Diamond, its skin light green with dark green stripes and its flesh red. A star in CR’s 2007 trials, maturing early and producing 8–12 lb fruits, 2–3 per plant. It has few seeds and stores longer than most others.
Nonnenmacher reported its outstanding juiciness and flavor “drew raves from chefs and many fellow PASA members. I think I have them convinced that modern seedless watermelons not only leave out the seeds but also the flavor.” We have no difficulty believing that. OSSI. Independent Breeder.

Items shipping from our garden seeds warehouse take 1–3 business days to process.

ships year-round
OGThis item is certified organic

1035 Sweet Dakota Rose - Organic

A: 1/16oz
B: 1/4oz
C: 1oz

Additional Information


  • About 670 seeds/oz. 116 oz packet contains about 40 seeds. Can be sown 2 or 3 seeds to a hill.

    Culture: Harvesting watermelon at proper ripeness is an art. Thumping should produce a low, hollow sound. Spread thumb and forefinger and press hard on fruit. If you feel any give, watermelon is ripe. Don’t heed the traditional advice to wait for the closest tendril to brown—that may be too late. Minimum germination temperature 60°, optimal range 75–95°.

    Diseases: ANTH: Anthracnose, F: Fusarium

Germination Testing

For the latest results of our germination tests, please see the germination page.

Our Seeds are Non-GMO


All of our seeds are non-GMO, and free of neonicotinoids and fungicides. Fedco is one of the original companies to sign the Safe Seed Pledge.