(110 days) F-1 hybrid. Perennial to Zone 7, grown as an annual, and occasionally overwinters even in central Maine. A marvelous assembly of our favorite pinks and purples from the Potomac Snapdragon series, including the popular pink-and-white bicolor Apple Blossom. All colors mature at the same time and have impressively sturdy stems and a long vase life. Stems of the first cuts are long, at an average of 20". Subsequent blooms may be borne on shorter stems, perfectly fine for casual bouquets throughout the season. Bred to perform well in warm temperatures and long days. 36" tall. NEW! ⑤
Potomac Berry Blend Snapdragon
Potomac Berry Blend Snapdragon
(110 days) F-1 hybrid. Perennial to Zone 7, grown as an annual, and occasionally overwinters even in central Maine. A marvelous assembly of our favorite pinks and purples from the Potomac Snapdragon series, including the popular pink-and-white bicolor Apple Blossom. All colors mature at the same time and have impressively sturdy stems and a long vase life. Stems of the first cuts are long, at an average of 20". Subsequent blooms may be borne on shorter stems, perfectly fine for casual bouquets throughout the season. Bred to perform well in warm temperatures and long days. 36" tall. NEW! ⑤
Additional Information
All flowers are open-pollinated except where noted.
Days in parentheses after a variety indicate days to first bloom.
Germination Testing
For the latest results of our germination tests, please see the germination page.
Our Seeds are Non-GMO
All of our seeds are non-GMO, and free of neonicotinoids and fungicides. Fedco is one of the original companies to sign the Safe Seed Pledge.