You are viewing all Potatoes, Onions and Exotics products related to “Late Potatoes.”
buff skin, white flesh Easy to grow with a solid yield, delicious Elba keeps solidly all winter long, despite slow spring emergence.
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lightly russetted yellow skin, yellow flesh These buttery tubers are hands-down the best-tasting roasting potato in the winter. High yields, good storage qualities.
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lightly russetted yellow skin, yellow flesh These buttery tubers are hands-down the best-tasting roasting potato in the winter. High yields, good storage qualities.
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buff skin, white flesh A true potato lover’s potato, with unparalleled fluffiness and an earthy flavor. Great baked or boiled.
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yellow skin, light yellow flesh A late-season yellow with consistently high yields of large tubers across diverse growing regions and conditions. Holds its shape well boiled.
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red skin, white flesh Large round potatoes with attractive red skin and succulent white flesh that keeps moist all winter long.
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russet skin, white flesh Known to most as the Idaho Potato, the dry mealy texture makes it a trusty old favorite. A great baking or mashing potato. Its reliably high yields mature late in the season.
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russet skin, white flesh Known to most as the Idaho Potato, the dry mealy texture makes it a trusty old favorite. A great baking or mashing potato. Its reliably high yields mature late in the season.
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