You are viewing all Organic Growers Supply products related to “Food Crops.”
Annual spring grain. Variety: Robust. Suitable for home brewing. Reliable, valuable feed grain for livestock.
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Annual spring grain. Truly hulless variety, which makes for quick, easy, low-tech processing. Fast-growing, and competes well with weeds. Tolerates drought and heavy soils.
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Annual broadleaf. Excellent cover crop for outcompeting summer weeds. Makes tasty flour for pancakes or baked goods. Bees like its abundant nectar.
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Annual brassica. Widely adaptable and versatile winter-hardy cover crop and oilseed plant; tolerates poor conditions. Excellent nutrient scavenger. Sow when you would for winter rye.
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Biennial legume. Up to 36". Vigorous red clover for cover cropping or grazing. Deep taproot. Tolerates shade, so a good choice for overseeding into standing crops. Blossoms make a lovely tea.
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Annual grass. Great for food or feed. The hull sheds easily during the normal threshing process—industrial-grade milling not required! Medium straw. Resistant to crown rust.
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Winter annual grass. Extremely frost hardy, adaptable and competitive. For cover crop or grain. Deep extensive roots help prevent compaction and improve soil tilth. Vigorous spring regrowth.
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Annual grain. Hard red spring variety that bakers favor for its superior milling and baking qualities. High in protein, very high test weight. Solid disease resistance.
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Winter annual grain. Extremely cold hardy hard red wheat. Flour has great flavor and texture, and sturdy plants make great straw. Good for small spaces. Well adapted to New England. Will Bonsall fave!
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Winter annual grain. Makes tender pastries, quick breads and pancakes. Also good for brewing wheat beers, or as a livestock feed.
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