early season, red skin, white fleshRounded oblong tubers with slightly netted skin that’s as red as a Fraser Chieftain’s kilt. Shallow eyes for easy peeling. Matures later and is more productive than most earlies. A Maine red-potato staple for our Aroostook growers, its floury fluffiness is complemented by heaping spoonfuls of butter, garlic and a generous pour of raw cream.
Medium spreading plant with lilac flowers. Resistant to scab, net necrosis, stem-end browning. Late Blight Resistant②
For orders placed by February 21, 2025, this item will ship on our regular shipping schedule, starting in late March with the warmest states and finishing by early May. Orders placed after February 21, 2025 will be shipped later, and in the order in which they were received. We cannot ship this item any earlier; we regret that we cannot honor any requests to do so.