Washington Hawthorn


Washington Hawthorn

Crataegus phaenopyrum 25-30' × 20-25' Widely recommended as one of the best hawthorns.

Rounded oval form with a fragrant white showy bloom in late spring and reddish-purple foliage which turns lustrous green with maturity. Sets ¼" glossy red-orange berries (“haws”) that persist all winter or can be harvested in October and dried for herbal use. Orange, red and pink fall color. Excellent as a specimen, in groups, on streets, in borders. The 2" thorns and shrubby habit make an impenetrable hedge while protecting nesting birds tucked within. Incredibly tough wood will dull any axe and makes the hottest fire.

Prefers sun but tolerates shade. Well-drained moist or dry soils, will handle alkaline conditions, exhaust, pollution and drought. Disease-free and impossible to stress. Self-pollinating, but plant multiples for best fruit set. Note: Plants may be slow to break dormancy. Native to eastern U.S. Z3. Maine Grown. (2-4') BACK!

7531 Washington Hawthorn
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