Blazingstar Peach


Blazingstar Peach

Prunus persica Mid-Late. Bred by Jim Friday of Coloma, MI, as part of his Stellar Series in the 1980s.

Boldly red-blazed skin with yellow firm flesh. Yields medium-sized peaches consistently well each year, ripening shortly after Redhaven. Bred for non-browning flesh quality and for good storage and handling for commercial growers. We hear some folks like them for grilling. Grilled and served with ice cream? Yum! Freestone. Resists bacterial leaf spot. Z5. NEW! (3–6' bare-root trees)

7378 Blazingstar
Item Discounted
7378 A: 1 for $38.50
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Additional Information


Peaches are self-pollinating; one tree alone is sufficient. Plant 15–20' apart.

For more info:
About Peaches