Daucus carota (55 days) Open-pollinated. We happened upon this hard-to-find Euro specialty carrot in a Spanish seed catalog, where it was mysteriously the only carrot variety offered. We found out why when we sent some trials in 2014 to Detroit’s Lafayette Greens where it swept the hybrid and OP competition. Entirely coreless, of distinctive translucent pinkish-orange, Coral won again in our 2016 trial of potential Nelson replacements. Best picked promptly for tender finger-sized Early Nantes–type roots that taper to a semi-blunt tip. The mild sweetness is boosted by a notable aroma, described as “carrot perfume” by staff tasters. With the most upright tall tops of our summer carrot trial, Coral delivers a continental flair not unnoticed by our customers. ①
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ships year-round
This item is certified organic
- Organic
Additional Information
500-1,000 seeds/g. Carrots average 18,000 seeds/oz with significant variations among varieties.
Days to maturity are from seeding date.
Culture: Very hardy. Early carrots can be sown by late April. For fall crop or winter storage, seed in early summer. Minimal germination temperature 40°, optimal range 75–85°. Can take up to 3 weeks to germinate; keep rows from drying out for faster emergence. Thinning is critical: At 3" high thin to ½" apart, at 6" thin again to 1-2" apart.
ALTS: Alternaria Leaf Spot
PM: Powdery Mildew
BR: Black Rot
TLS: Target Leaf Spot
LR: Licorice Rot
P: Pythium
ALTS shows up first on the oldest foliage as brown-black spots edged with yellow. Foliage blackens and shrivels as it develops and spreads. Maintaining a good crop rotation is the best preventive.
Germination Testing
For the latest results of our germination tests, please see the germination page.
Our Seeds are Non-GMO
All of our seeds are non-GMO, and free of neonicotinoids and fungicides. Fedco is one of the original companies to sign the Safe Seed Pledge.