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For running additional mainlines. Available in 100', 200' and 1000' rolls.
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Easy way to close off a run of mainline . Just loop the end through the first hole, into the second and pull it tight. Simple to slip on and off.
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Mainline Coupler
Mainline and Couplings -
Mainline and Couplings
To repair breaks in mainline or to add additional lengths. Always have a few on hand.
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Mainline beginning for use in tight situations where there isn’t room for a straight fitting.
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Use where there are two mainlines running in different directions connected to one hose.
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Closes off the mainline . Screw-cap is removable to flush the line or to add another piece.
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Mainline L-Coupler
Mainline and Couplings -
Mainline and Couplings
Mainline T-Coupler
Mainline and Couplings -
Mainline and Couplings