‘El Niño’ Single Late Tulip


‘El Niño’ Single Late Tulip

Lily-shaped blossoms open yellow-apricot and rose brushed with red and speckled with salmon. Color variation intensifies as each unique bloom matures. No two blooms are alike!

24–28" tall. Late Spring blooms, Z3–8. 12cm/up bulbs. NEW!

ships in fall

6739 ‘El Niño’

A: 10 ea
Ordering for this item is closed for the season
B: 25 ea
Ordering for this item is closed for the season
C: 50 ea
Ordering for this item is closed for the season
D: 100 ea
Ordering for this item is closed for the season

Additional Information

Single Late Tulips

Sometimes called French Tulips, Single Lates have classic cup- or goblet-shaped flowers in a wide range of colors. A consistent and reliable performer with long strong stems. Ideal for cutting and mass border plantings.