XL Filter Patch Bags


XL Filter Patch Bags

Chicken of the Woods and Hen of the Woods are prone to being out-competed by other fungi. This makes them unreliable producers.

For these two varieties, we strongly recommend heat-treating and incubating your logs in filter-patch bags to provide a blank slate for your desired species. Each bag fits a 1'-long, 8"-diameter log segment. One bag of Sawdust Spawn will inoculate about 10 log segments—you’ll need one bag per segment. The 0.5-micron filter allows for ample gas exchange.

More detailed instructions for heat-treating logs will come with your order. Bag is 3mil thick polypropylene, 10x5x24". Pack of 10 bags.

Items from our perennial plants warehouse ordered on or before March 7 will ship around March 31 through late April, starting with warmer areas and finishing in colder areas. Orders placed after March 7 will ship around late April through early-to-mid May, in the order in which they were received.

ships in spring

7621 XL Filter Patch Bags

A: 10 bags