Valley Forge American Elm


Valley Forge American Elm

Ulmus americana 60-70' x 50-60' US National Arboretum intro, 1995. Selected in Delaware, Ohio, and released after 20 years of testing. Going strong in our Maine plantings.

This large fast-growing graceful native once lined virtually every street in New England but declined dramatically due to Dutch elm disease. Fortunately, several disease-resistant cultivars have been introduced.

At maturity the trunk can be 4' (even up to 8'!) in diameter with an immense vase-shaped canopy. Long loose branches blow and sway in a hazy breeze on hot summer days. One of the most wonderful shade trees for northern climates.

We’re infatuated with them. If you find yourself in Castine, ME, visit the huge old elms lining every street; you’ll feel like you stepped back in time. Castine has a tree warden just for the elms, a kind of curator in a living museum!

Soil adaptable, prefers moist areas along rivers and streams but also grows well in drier places. Salt and drought tolerant. Plant more elms! Z4. Maine Grown. (2-4' bare-root trees)

7627 Valley Forge

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