You are viewing all Fedco Trees products related to “Quince.”

Quince - Small Trees and Shrubs

Ordering closed for the season
Cydonia oblonga 10-25'. Hardy Russian quince bred for disease resistance. For jellies and cider, stews and marmalades. Citrusy, fragrant with an orangey-pink hue. Z4/5. read more


Quince - Small Trees and Shrubs

Ordering closed for the season
Cydonia oblonga 10-25'. Large smooth light golden-yellow fruit with tart white flesh. Good for fresh eating, wine and pineapple-flavored jelly. Late bloomer ripens in late summer. Z4. read more


Quince - Small Trees and Shrubs

Ordering closed for the season
Cydonia oblonga 10-25'. Oblong furrowed pear-shaped fruit with golden-yellow skin and mild light yellow flesh. Pink flowers. Good keeper. Ripens late summer to early fall. Z4/5. read more
