Black Walnut


Black Walnut

Juglans nigra 70-90'

A spectacular shade tree with a magnificent open rounded crown of massive limbs with dark green leaves. Harder to crack than commercial English walnuts but worth the effort for their distinct sweet earthy rich flavor. Eat them chopped on fresh salads, or with dark chocolate for dessert.

Highly valued cabinet and veneer wood. Husks, leaves and roots common in herbal medicine for anti-fungal properties. Husks also yield a rich brown dye. Deep taproot.

Prefers moist well-drained soils, pH 6-7. Roots give off a compound called juglone that inhibits some plants, so don’t plant one too close to your garden. Space trees about 50' apart for nut production, 20' apart for lumber. May begin to bear fruit in 5-10 years. Some say multiple trees needed for pollination but we’ve seen enough solo trees with large nut crops to say you only need one. Native to eastern U.S. though not quite into Maine. Yet, many majestic and productive specimens can be found near old homes and farmsteads throughout the State. Z4. (1–3' bare-root trees)

7485 Black Walnut
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