
ships in spring
Mary Washington
Asparagus - Bare-Root Plants

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Asparagus officinalis Heirloom. Large early green stalks tolerate heat well and demonstrate good resistance to rust. Early, vigorous, uniform. Planted in American gardens for more than a century. Very winter hardy. Z3/4. read more
ships in spring
Asparagus - Bare-Root Plants

Asparagus officinalis High-yielding good-quality tender green spears are long-lived and very cold hardy. On the rise as an excellent replacement for Jersey, even outproducing Jersey in northern Minnesota trials! Z3. read more
ships in spring
Purple Passion
Asparagus - Bare-Root Plants

Asparagus officinalis Early. Very large deep purple stalk with a creamy white interior. Z4. read more


Plant 14–18" apart, 6–10" deep, in trenches 4' apart. Lay plants with crown up and cover with 2" of soil. As young shoots grow, add soil gradually, just covering the shoots, until the trench is full. In late fall, remove dead stalks and mulch with 3" of manure. Comes into full harvest year four.

For more info:
About Asparagus