Canadian Shipping Rates

(Shipping weight is determined by adding together seed, packet and packaging weights.)

Orders under $50 are charged a $6 shipping fee in addition to the shipping charges in this chart.

weight in ounces up to: shipping charge (US$)
8 $15.44
16 $22.75
32 $22.75
48 $24.08
64 $25.81
80 $28.84
96 $28.81
112 $29.93
128 $31.09
144 $32.37
160 $33.36
176 $39.16
192 $40.83
208 $44.69
224 $46.14
240 $48.18
256 $49.77
272 $50.01
weight in ounces up to: shipping charge (US$)
288 $51.28
304 $52.57
320 $53.84
336 $59.72
352 $60.69
368 $61.29
384 $62.27
400 $63.08
416 $73.03
432 $75.55
448 $77.14
464 $77.82
480 $79.44
496 $79.87
512 $79.93
528 $79.98
544 $80.03
560 $80.51
weight in ounces up to: shipping charge (US$)
576 $88.61
592 $89.94
608 $92.03
624 $93.73
640 $95.89
656 $96.84
672 $98.40
688 $100.18
704 $101.73
720 $103.30
736 $104.79
752 $106.95
768 $108.38
784 $109.11
800 $110.52
For weights over 800 ounces (50 lbs.), we calculate shipping based on multiple boxes. You won‘t be charged shipping at checkout for orders over 50 lbs; we will call you with a shipping quote.