Grilled Peaches!

Who invented this brilliant idea? No clue, but we’re all in. Last winter was mild, and as we write this in August 2024, the peach trees are loaded with ripening fruit!

The previous winter brought a cold snap of –20° and 50 mph winds that killed half of the peach limbs. Needless to say, Maine had no peaches the next summer, and the freezer has been empty of peaches for too long. But the trees bounced back, and our anticipation of fresh peaches is even sweeter.

Peaches ripen all at once and suddenly you are overrun with them. We recommend eating as many fresh peaches as you can every day before they get mushy. Share with neighbors. Let the wasps have a few. Make cobblers, upside-down cakes, serve warmed peaches on top of pancakes, and freeze whatever you can’t eat. And save some for grilling!

To grill: Cut them in half, remove the pit and brush the open face with olive oil. When the grill is hot, place peaches face down and cook till they have grill stripes and are toasty warm. This might take only 5 minutes. Flip, and give them another minute so the pit cavities fill with sweet juice. Serve with ice cream and crushed nuts, or yogurt with a drizzle of honey and a sprig of mint.