Codling Moth Traps & Lures


Codling Moth Traps & Lures

The codling moth (Cydia pomonella) is a pest that damages fruit of apple, pear, walnut and quince. It is the “worm in the apple.” The larva (caterpillar stage) typically bores through the blossom end or the stem end of the fruit, eating its way to the center and then eating an exit route that fills with frass. Codling moths go through two generations per year in most regions of the U.S. The first generation can contribute to fruitlets falling during “June drop.” The second generation damages fruit but does not induce dropping, so affected fruit must be culled at harvest.

The sex pheromone lure attracts males only; use for monitoring (as opposed to reducing population and fruit damage). When moths start to collect in the traps, that is the time to start spraying an organic insecticide: Bacillus thuringiensis (DiPel or Safer Caterpillar Killer) or Spinosad (Monterey Garden Insect Spray). Use 1–2 traps per tree, depending on the size of the tree. Set out at bloom time and keep traps in trees through August, replacing every 4 weeks. Installation instructions included. Set of 2 traps and 2 lures.

8646 Codling Moth Traps & Lures

A:  2 kits
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Additional Information

Orchard and Garden Pest Control

These products provide a degree of insect control and will help certified growers meet the requirements of rule 205.206 of the National Organic Program.

Also consider row covers for excellent protection from insects.

Click here for orchard tools.

While we try to stay current with product specifications, product formulations are subject to change without notice.

Organic Certification

Inoculants, soil amendments, fertilizers, livestock supplies and pesticides are labeled as:
OMRI: Organic Materials Review Institute. Most state certifying agencies, including MOFGA, accept OMRI approval.
MOFGA: Approved for use by Maine Organic Farmers & Gardeners Association Certification Services. Check with your certifier.
WSDA: Listed by the Washington State Department of Agriculture’s Organic Certification division for use in organic agriculture in Washington State. MOFGA has indicated that they will accept products on this list for their certification program. Check with your certifier.
Nat’l List: One-ingredient products on the NOP* List of Allowed Substances (subpart G of the Organic Foods Production Act, sections 205.601-606). Check with your certifier.
AYC: Ask your certifier. Has not been reviewed by a certifier, but the active ingredient is allowed. Ask your certifier.
Not Allowed: A few of the products we list are not allowed for organic production but we think they have a place in sensible agriculture and can be used when certification is not an issue.