Items related to "new ace" in Fedco Trees
New England Aster - Organic
Perennial Plant

Symphyotrichum novae-angliae 4-6' tall. North American native. Blooms range from blue-purple to lavender-pink with yellow eyes. Z3. read more


Oriental Poppy - Perennial Plant

Papaver orientale 20-30" tall. Ethereal light coral or salmon-pink frilled semi-double petals with dark centers. Royal Horticultural Society’s... read more


Northern Red Oak
Shade Tree

Quercus rubra 60-75' x 45'. The most common oak in northern New England. Magnificent open rounded crown. Fast growing. Tolerant of different conditions. Z4. read more


Asparagus - Garden Roots

Asparagus officinalis Developed by Prof. David Wolyn, U of Guelph, Canada.

High-yielding good-quality tender green spears are long-lived and very

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Honeyberry Seedlings
Small Fruits and Berries

Lonicera caerulea 4-6' × same.

Small dark blue oval fruit, very high in antioxidants, ripens in June around or just before strawberries.

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Saskatoon - Small Fruits and Berries

Amelanchier spp. 9-12' × 6' Beaverlodge, Alberta, 1952.

Large mildly sweet berries with high sugar-to-acid ratio. Fast growing and high yielding,

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Sugar Maple
Shade Tree

Acer saccharum 50-100'. Largest of our native maples. Colorful fall foliage. Valued for shade, syrup and lumber. Boil sap to make real maple syrup. Z3. read more


Valley Forge
American Elm - Shade Tree

Ulmus americana 60-70' x 50-60'. Large fast-growing graceful native shade tree with long loose branches. Disease-resistant cultivar. Z4. read more


‘Blue Moon’
Woodland Phlox - Perennial Plant

Phlox divaritica 12-18" tall. Sweet lavender-blue florets that will make you wonder where they’ve been all your life. Selected by Bill Cullina... read more



Juglans cinerea 40-60' x same. Very large impressive shade tree with broad open crown. Produces oblong edible nuts. Nice cabinet wood. Native. Z3. read more


Blenheim Orange
Apple Scionwood

Fall. Large, crisp and juicy apple for dessert or culinary use. Keeps until about mid-December. Blooms midseason. Z4. read more


Apple Scionwood

Late Summer. Large sweet juicy pear-flavored fruit is great fresh and for sauce. Does not keep. Z3. read more


King of Tompkins County
Apple Scionwood

Fall. Large juicy apple. Crisp yellow flesh, balanced flavor. Good fresh eating and cooking. Keeps until January. Annual bearer. Z4. read more


Shade Tree

Liriodendron tulipifera 60-90' x 30-50'. Also called Tulip Poplar. Highly ornamental shade tree. Large tulip-like flowers attract hummingbirds. Native to eastern U.S. Z4/5. read more
