You are viewing all Fedco Trees products related to “Garden Roots.”

Mary Washington
Asparagus - Garden Roots

Ordering closed for the season
Asparagus officinalis Heirloom. Large early green stalks tolerate heat well and demonstrate good resistance to rust. Early, vigorous, uniform. Planted in American gardens for more than a century. Very winter hardy. Z3/4. read more


Purple Passion
Asparagus - Garden Roots

Ordering closed for the season
Asparagus officinalis Early. Very large deep purple stalk with a creamy white interior. Z4. read more


Big Top Horseradish
Garden Roots

Ordering closed for the season
Armoracia rusticana Exceptionally vigorous perennial with large dock-like leaves and spicy hot roots for culinary and medicinal use. Z3. read more


Rhubarb Seedling
Garden Roots

Ordering closed for the season
Rheum rhabarbarum Heirloom variety, considered the most important rhubarb variety of the 19th century. Unique seedlings; will show some variation. Z2. read more
