
ships year-round
Rudbeckia Seeds

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Rudbeckia hirta Open-pollinated. With this stunning array of single and double blooms in raspberry, pink, yellow and copper, you'll have lovely bouquets and feast for the pollinators from midsummer to frost. read more
ships year-round
Rudbeckia Seeds

Rudbeckia hirta (86 days) Open-pollinated. Bright 4" golden-orange blooms with deep-set brown eyes. Long strong stems set on 24-30" plants make this an outstanding cutflower. read more
ships year-round
Rudbeckia Seeds

Rudbeckia fulgida Open-pollinated. Golden-yellow flowers with dark central cones. Much larger flowers—up to 5" across—than the common wildflower. Ideal for cutting. 2' tall. read more
ships year-round
Prairie Sun
Rudbeckia Seeds

Rudbeckia hirta (88 days) Open-pollinated. Very large and distinctive. Pointy golden petals with light yellow tips. Branching 24-30" plants have long stems, ideal for cutflowers. read more


Named for Olaf Rudbeck (1660-1740), professor of botany at Uppsala in Sweden and a teacher of Linnaeus. Improved versions of these rugged North American native black-eyed Susans outstrip their wild counterparts in size and color.

Culture: Drought-tolerant. Start indoors at 70° and do not cover the seed. Germinates in 14–21 days at 70°. Transplant after danger of frost at 15–18" apart. Likes full sun, good drainage.