Capsicum annuum (60 days) F-1 hybrid. Red thin-walled bell peppers, not consistently blocky. Easy to grow. Consistently early. Good for home gardens.
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Brassica oleracea (gemmifera group) (105 days) F-1 hybrid. Tall-stalked Divino’s plentiful very tight half-dollar-sized sprouts are dark green. Open branch architecture makes for low presence of aphids.
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Brassica oleracea (105 days) Open-pollinated. Compact deep-burgundy red heads are excellent raw, cooked or fermented. In good storage they'll keep till March.
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Zinnia elegans (95 days) Open-pollinated. Crimson-centered flowers with petal edges that appear dipped in gold. Reliable, long vase life, easy to grow. An excellent replacement for Zowie!
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Zea mays (95 days) Open-pollinated. A nutrient-dense grain that is fast maturing under harsh conditions, and stands strong for machine harvest. The soft starch makes fluffy cornbread and also binds well for Johnnycakes and tortillas.
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Lobelia cardinalis Open-pollinated. This gorgeous wetland native wildflower and hummingbird magnet can be grown in moist garden soils or meadows. 2–4' tall
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Talinum paniculatum (95 days) Open-pollinated. Petite pink flowers on thin stems mature into airy glistening bronze-to-burgundy sprays of teensy seedpods. Annual.
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A square replacement bottom, sticky on one side, for use in our now discontinued wing traps. Remove the old insect-covered bottom and fit in the new one.
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Winter annual grain. Extremely cold hardy hard red wheat. Flour has great flavor and texture, and sturdy plants make great straw. Good for small spaces. Well adapted to New England. Will Bonsall fave!
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Triticum aestivum Open-pollinated. Extremely cold hardy hard red wheat good for small spaces and well adapted to New England. Flour has great flavor and texture, and sturdy plants make great straw.
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Papaver orientale 20-30" tall. Surely named after one of the three Greek Graces, Aglaea, which means something like ‘festive radiance.’ Royal Horticultural Society’s Award of Garden Merit. Z3.
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NPK: 3-4-6.1 By popular demand! A Fedco Blend formulated to meet the needs of field-grown (outdoor) fruiting Solanaceous crops: tomatoes, peppers, eggplants and tomatillos.
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Asparagus officinalis High-yielding good-quality tender green spears are long-lived and very cold hardy. On the rise as an excellent replacement for Jersey, even outproducing Jersey in northern Minnesota trials! Z3.
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If you are new to seed saving, this little manual by the founder of Johnny’s covers all the basics and is the best place to start. First published in 1976, it is a classic.
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These galvanized steel staples neatly hold down plastic mulch, row covers, woven ground cover/landscape fabric. The L shape offers extra surface area and holding power.
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Ulmus americana 60' x 35-40'. New selection from a lone survivor wild specimen surrounded by other trees that had succumbed to the fatal disease. Further studies at U Minn confirmed its excellent resistance. Z3.
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Quercus rubra 60-75' x 45'. The most common oak in northern New England. Magnificent open rounded crown. Fast growing. Tolerant of different conditions. Z4.
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by Tavis Lynch, 112 pages, 72⁄5x9, softcover. A basic step-by-step guide to home-scale mushroom cultivation. Lynch presents methods for growing...
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How best do we envision the new alternative agriculture? In the city, the apothecary garden, the agroforest, the arable corner? These are the some questions and landscapes envisaged.
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For building tunnels with wider plastic or row covers, such as our 120" wide ProtekNet. Shipped as straight 74" flexible rods of 10-gauge wire.
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Emitter tubing delivers water where your new trees, canes, and shrubs need it most, while minimizing leaking and clogging. Includes instructions, tubing, couplers, and more!
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Cucumis melo (89 days) Open-pollinated. Green-fleshed heirloom, once the most widely grown in Canada, New England. Netted and ribbed fruits with aromatic silky texture. Can get quite large.
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Asimina triloba 10-30' × same. Tastes like rich vanilla mango custard! Native to parts of the U.S.; may need winter protection in colder areas. Z5.
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Cordura® nylon bag with a strong steel frame and a sewn-in padded layer for extra fruit protection. Comfortable straps disburse the weight of your harvest across your back and shoulders.
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Contains over 67 minerals beneficial to plants and animals. A mix or particle sizes. Lots of powder, but still less dusty than Micronized Azomite.
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Acer saccharum 50-100'. Largest of our native maples. Colorful fall foliage. Valued for shade, syrup and lumber. Boil sap to make real maple syrup. Z3.
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Brassica oleracea (gemmifera group) (120 days) F-1 hybrid. 1" tightly wrapped sprouts are widely spaced for ease of harvest and good air circulation. Vigorous and sturdy plants showed little aphid damage.
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Malus spp. 15x15' Usually the last crab to bloom each spring. Highly double flowers that look and smell like roses. Small open tree suited to small spaces. No fruit. Virtually disease-free. Z4.
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Brassica oleracea (capitata group) (62 days) Open-pollinated. Classic early round 3-5 lb grey-green compact heads on short stems. Excellent flavor. Not long standing.
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Rumex acetosa (60 days) Open-pollinated. Thick sword-shaped lemony-flavored leaves picked when young and tender. A special treat in early spring. Perennial hardy to Z3.
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Brassica oleracea (acephala group) (60 days) Open-pollinated. Rich dark Vates strain selected to stand longer. Thin to 12" apart for good size....
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Brassica oleracea (60 days) Open-pollinated. Could give Camden, currently known as a tourist attraction on the Maine coast, a new claim to fame....
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Humic acids perform many complex functions. They neutralize soil pH, prevent leaching of trace minerals, stimulate growth of foliage and roots significantly, and much, much, more!
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NPK: 0-0-18. Highly concentrated extract makes an excellent foliar spray containing growth hormones, trace minerals, enzymes and carbohydrates.
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For soil: excellent source of naturally chelated elements, enzymes, and amino acids. For livestock: excellent source of iodine, vitamin A and dozens of other vitamins and trace minerals.
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NPK: 2-2-2. 16% Chitin. Nourishes chitin-feeding bacteria and fungi, which in turn devour gnat eggs and root-feeding nematodes. Also fortifies plants’ cell walls, and fosters healthy blooms.
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3rd edition, by Bob Osborne, 208 pages, 8x10, softcover. More often than not, when I recommend a rose bush to a customer who is looking for a...
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A holistic approach emphasizing efficiency and solvency, but also quality of life. Breathe life into your growing endeavors and make your garden a more joyful place for all.
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Tiny particles of kaolin clay prevent insects from recognizing their targets, and, if they land, inhibit their access to the plant’s surface and cause irritation and excessive grooming.
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Solanum lycopersicum (71 days) Open-pollinated. Yellow pink-blushed fuzzy 2 oz fruit. Soft-skinned, juicy, very sweet and fruity heirloom. Relatively early and prolific.
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Formulated to build humus, enhance CEC, and condition the soil in which the ancient roots reside, whether they be abandoned heirlooms or wild seedlings. Can be applied in fall or spring.
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This is a twig for grafting. Fall. Large, crisp and juicy apple for dessert or culinary use. Keeps until about mid-December. Blooms midseason. Z4.
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This is a twig for grafting. Fall. Large juicy apple. Crisp yellow flesh, balanced flavor. Good fresh eating and cooking. Keeps until January. Annual bearer. Z4.
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Phaseolus lunatus (103 days) Open-pollinated. 18" tall. 3 tender beans per pod, grey in the shell stage and drying to buff with purple and black mottling. White flowers.
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Beta vulgaris (60 days) Open-pollinated. Heirloom. Uniform globular smooth red beet. Tender interior with deep red flesh. A favorite of home gardeners and canners.
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All-in-one field guide, history lesson, memoir and cookbook, with familiar edibles alongside lesser known ones. Beautiful photos and rich sidebars feature relevant musings and entertaining commentary.
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Covers gathering plants, drying them, and making simple household medicine: teas, tinctures, and more. A distillation of many years of herbal relationships, documented with beautiful pictures.
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by Samuel Thayer, 736 pages, 6⅓x9¾, softcover. My wife and I do a lot of wild foraging, and Thayer’s three previous compendiums have always come...
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Prunus mahaleb Also called St. Lucie Cherry. Cultivated for its fragrant seeds, which are ground into a bitter almond-flavored spice. Hardy and adaptable. Widely used as a rootstock for sweet and pie cherries. Z4.
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For building tunnels with slitted plastic or fabric row covers. Shipped as straight 74" flexible rods of 10-gauge wire that can be stuck in the ground and bent into your desired hoop width.
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Hablitzia tamnoides (45 days) Open-pollinated. Perennial spinach-like green. Hardy vine from the Caucasus grows 6-9' long for 2-3 months beginning very early spring. Heart-shaped attractive leaves.
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The garden seems full of rocks until you need one to anchor the row cover! These galvanized steel staples neatly hold down landscape fabric, row covers, irrigation line or fencing.
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Juglans cinerea 40-60' x same. Very large impressive shade tree with broad open crown. Produces oblong edible nuts. Nice cabinet wood. Native. Z3.
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Carya laciniosa 60-80' × 40-60'. Tall nut tree of bottomlands and floodplains. Resembles shagbark hickory but with less shaggy bark. Native. Z5.
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Researchers estimate that wild bee populations provide half of crop pollination worldwide. This proportion is likely to grow as honeybees are...
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Prunus virginiana 20-25' × 15-20'. Small shrub produces astringent fruit suitable for cooking, drying and juicing. This selection is less inclined to form colonies. Z2.
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Liriodendron tulipifera 60-90' x 30-50'. Also called Tulip Poplar. Highly ornamental shade tree. Large tulip-like flowers attract hummingbirds. Native to eastern U.S. Z4/5.
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Solanum lycopersicum (57 days) F-1 hybrid. Apricot-yellow small round cherry. Deep sweetness with citrusy, winey tartness. Early and extremely prolific, producing until frost. A modern classic.
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An essential tool for dealing with small and large weeds . Slices through the weeds’ roots without needing you to bend over or exert much downward pressure. Great for footpaths and wide rows.
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An essential tool for dealing with small and large weeds . Slices through the weeds’ roots without needing you to bend over or exert much downward pressure. Great for footpaths and wide rows.
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Brassica napus x Brassica rapa (85 days) Open-pollinated. Light green skin, knobby and bulky. Sweeter and later to mature than other turnips, not woody even at softball size, and taste better after frost.
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Brassica napus x Brassica rapa (85 days) Open-pollinated. Light green skin, knobby and bulky. Sweeter and later to mature than other turnips, not woody even at softball size, and taste better after frost.
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Specialty and Heirloom Squash - Winter Squash Seeds
Cucurbita maxima (100 days) Open-pollinated. Heirloom banana-type. Slate-blue obpyriform 6-8+ lb fruit. Average 12" long. Excellent flavor and good storage.
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Made in the U.S. from cow manure and a bit of recycled newsprint, nourishes the plant as it decomposes. Roots can grow right through the walls of the pot. 3" round, 3¼" tall
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Made in the U.S. from cow manure and a bit of recycled newsprint, nourishes the plant as it decomposes. Roots can grow right through the walls of the pot. 3" square, 3" tall.
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Made in the U.S. from cow manure and a bit of recycled newsprint, nourishes the plant as it decomposes. Roots can grow right through the walls of the pot. 4" square, 4⅜" tall.
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Made in the U.S. from cow manure and a bit of recycled newsprint, nourishes the plant as it decomposes. Roots can grow right through the walls of the pot. Six-packs of 3" squares, 3" tall.
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A great alternative to perlite in your growing medium—carbonaceous, renewable and less dusty to mix. Also used as a mulch for container plants. Parboiled to eliminate viable weed seeds.
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⅞" (internal diameter) clips made of non-GMO cornstarch, to attach tomatoes (or cucumbers, or melons, or other thin-vined plants) to your trellis system.
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Solanum lycopersicum (75 days) Open-pollinated. Productive 5' plants produce a plethora of 9 oz. red round fruit with good rich tomatoey flavor.
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