Franklin Tree Small Trees and Shrubs


Franklin Tree Small Trees and Shrubs

Franklinia alatamaha 10-20'x15' Single-trunked or multi-stemmed small tree with glossy 5-6" narrow oblong leaves that turn orange, red and purple in the fall. Fragrant cup-shaped flowers made up of 5 white petals surrounding a bunch of bright yellow-orange stamens appear in late July and can last through September for a stunning contrast with the color-changing fall foliage. Plant near patios or walkways to enjoy the fragrance.

In 1765, Philadelphian father and son botanists John and William Bartram found this tree growing in a small grove on Cherokee land. They named the plant after their pal Benjamin Franklin. William returned years later to collect seeds. The plant has not been seen again in the wild since 1790. It is believed that all living Franklin Trees in the world today are descendants of Bartram’s seedlings. The only species in its genus. We recently visited some wonderful specimens at Harvard’s Arnold Arboretum in Boston.

Prefers full-sun to partial shade in moist but well drained soil. Native to Georgia but extinct in the wild and worth trialing in the north. Z5. (2-4' bare-root trees) Photo credit: Aaron Parker

538 Franklin Tree
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