Black Pussy Willow


Black Pussy Willow

Salix gracilistyla ‘Melanostachys’ 6-10' x same.

Very attractive unique fast-growing plant for wetland areas, but also does fine in a well-drained setting. Deep purple-black male catkins in early spring; cut branches are marvelous in a vase and really stand out alongside pink and grey pussy willows.

The rather short foliage emerges orange and then turns a deep green. Stems turn a rich purple-black in winter. Attractive dark colors all year. Winner of Royal Horticulture Society’s Award of Garden Merit.

Prune in summer or fall. Adaptable. Prefers moist soil but will tolerate dry as well. Native to eastern Asia. Z4. Maine Grown. (1-2' plugs)

524 Black Pussy Willow
Item Discounted
524 A: 1-2' plug, 1 for $16.75
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