Beauty of Moscow Lilac


Beauty of Moscow Lilac

Syringa vulgaris 12x8' N237 (Belle de Nancy x IV Michurin) Leonid Kolesnikov intro, Russia, 1974. Also known as Krasavitzka Mosky.

Dazzling pearly lavender-pink buds open to delicate double light pink-shaded white flowers tinged with lavender. The flower panicles display both buds and open flowers at the same time for a dynamic multicolored effect. Described by Fiala as “excellent in every way.” Considered one of the best creations by one of the master hybridizers of the 20th c. Prolific vigorous upright plant has a long bloom period. Z2/3. (1-3' bare-root plants)

531 Beauty of Moscow
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531 A: 1 for $21.00
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Additional Information


Plant in a sunny (at least 6 hours of sunlight each day) well-drained location in moderately rich soil; sandy gravelly loam is perfect. Pink, lavender and blue lilacs color up best in soil with an alkaline pH. Spacing depends on your plan; lilacs perform well as hedges as well as specimens

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About Lilacs