XL Filter Patch Bags Tool


XL Filter Patch Bags Tool

Ships on our regular schedule, between late March and late April. Chicken of the Woods and Hen of the Woods are prone to being out-competed by other fungi. This makes them unreliable producers.

For these two varieties, we strongly recommend heat-treating and incubating your logs in filter-patch bags to provide a blank slate for your desired species. Each bag fits a 1'-long, 8"-diameter log segment. One bag of Sawdust Spawn will inoculate about 10 log segments—you’ll need one bag per segment. The 0.5-micron filter allows for ample gas exchange.

More detailed instructions for heat-treating logs will come with your order. Bag is 3mil thick polypropylene, 10x5x24". Pack of 10 bags.

7621 XL Filter Patch Bags
Item Discounted
L 7621 A: package of 10, 10 for $20.00
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