Iris danfordiae Dwarf Iris


Iris danfordiae Dwarf Iris

Iris danfordiae This low growing iris thrives best in full sun with well drained soils. Fragrant canary-yellow flowers with dark speckles are borne on a slender grey/green stem. 4-6" tall. Best when planted in groups of a single color.

6012 Iris danfordiae
Item Discounted
A: 10 for $6.30   
Ordering closed for the season

Additional Information

Dwarf Iris Bulbs

Smaller delights, blooming very early spring, burst into color in the lawn, border or rock garden. Robust and hardy, spreading easily once established. Also good for forcing. Best in full sun or dappled shade with moderately fertile well-drained soil. Short leaves at flowering, later grow to 10-12". Plant 4" deep and 1" apart for maximum color splash.