Outdoor Planting Chart for Bulbs

bulbs chart image Click here to view our infomation about planting bulbs outdoors.

Use deeper depths for colder areas and in sandy soils.

*Additional planting information is in descriptions or footers.

‡Corms: soak 24 hours before planting.

Flower Genus Distance Apart Planting Depth
ALLIUM, large 6-14" apart 4-8"
ALLIUM, small 1-4" apart 3-4"
ANEMONE blanda 3-4" apart 2-3"
CAMASSIA 6-10" apart 4-6"
CHIONODOXA 1-3" apart 3-4"
CROCUS 1-4" apart 3-4"
ERANTHIS ‡* 2-4" apart 2-4"
FRITILLARIA, large* 8-10" apart 6-8"
FRITILLARIA, small 4-5" apart 3-4"
GALANTHUS* 2-4" apart 3-4"
HYACINTH* 3-4" apart 5-8"
HYACINTHOIDES* 3-4" apart 3-5"
IPHEION* 1-3" apart 2-3"
IRIS, dwarf 1-4" apart 3-4"
IRIS, dutch 3-4" apart 6-8"
LEUCOJUM* 2-3" apart 2-3"
MUSCARI 2-4" apart 3-4"
NARCISSUS 4-6" apart 6-10"
NARCISSUS, Short 3-4" apart 4-6"
PUSCHKINIA 2-4" apart 3-4"
SCILLA 2-4" apart 3-4"
TULIPA, garden* 4-6" apart 6-10"
TULIPA, species 2-3" apart 3-4"