Items related to "red gold" in Potatoes, Onions and Exotics
Red Gold
Early Season Potato

Ordering closed for the season
pink skin, yellow flesh One of the most stunning potatoes in our lineup. With creamy sweetness roasted or fried, has a reputation for the hands-down best taste of all our early varieties. read more


Carla Rosa
Early Season Potato

Ordering closed for the season
red skin, yellow flesh Darker red, deeper yellow, and potentially higher yielding than Red Gold. Matures just as early with the same texture and flavor profile as the old favorite. read more


Yukon Gold - Organic
Early Season Potato

Ordering closed for the season
yellow buff skin with pink eyes, yellow flesh For keeping it classic, you can't beat Yukon Gold's tasty butter flavor and marketable appearance. read more


Yukon Gold
Early Season Potato

Ordering closed for the season
yellow buff skin with pink eyes, yellow flesh For keeping it classic, you can't beat Yukon Gold's tasty butter flavor and marketable appearance read more


Yukon Gem - Organic
Early Season Potato

Ordering closed for the season
yellow skin with pink eyes, yellow flesh A modern take on Yukon Gold, with higher yields and better PVY and scab resistances. Matures about 10 days later than Yukon Gold, but worth the wait. read more


Yukon Gem
Early Season Potato

Ordering closed for the season
yellow skin with pink eyes, yellow flesh A modern take on Yukon Gold, with higher yields and better PVY and scab resistances. Matures about 10 days later than Yukon Gold, but worth the wait. read more


Upstate Abundance
Early Season Potato

Ordering closed for the season
buff skin, white flesh Creamy and fancy. Yields abundant golf-ball sized potatoes throughout the growing season. Great for container gardening. read more


Keuka Gold - Organic
Mid-Season Potato

Ordering closed for the season
buff skin, light yellow flesh Large oblong flat tasty tubers with rich flavor mashed or roasted. popular with growers in the variable climates of upstate New York and New England. read more


Keuka Gold
Mid-Season Potato

Ordering closed for the season
buff skin, light yellow flesh Large oblong flat tasty tubers with rich flavor mashed or roasted. popular with growers in the variable climates of upstate New York and New England. read more


Adirondack Blue - Organic
Mid-Season Potato

Ordering closed for the season
blue skin, blue flesh Maintains its color after boiling, roasting or frying. This spud is packed with anthocyanins, powerful antioxidants that can lower risks of heart and neurological diseases. read more


Adirondack Blue
Mid-Season Potato

Ordering closed for the season
blue skin, blue flesh Maintains its color after boiling, roasting or frying. This spud is packed with anthocyanins, powerful antioxidants that can lower risks of heart and neurological diseases. read more


Baltic Rose
Mid-Season Potato

Ordering closed for the season
red skin, yellow flesh Midsummer variety with gorgeous appearance, excellent flavor, smooth texture, and hearty yields. Slightly textured skin has small shallow eyes that make for easy peeling. read more


Mid-Season Potato

Ordering closed for the season
buff skin, white flesh Smooth glossy skin and uniform tuber shape and size. Starchy texture is ideal for baking, mashing, french fries, and homemade potato chips. read more


New Potato Collection Ordering closed for the season
Why wait until fall to enjoy your favorite potato dishes? We’ve selected three varieties especially suited for “new” potatoes to be harvested... read more
