Items related to "12" in Potatoes, Onions and Exotics
Blue Gold - Organic
Mid-Season Potato

New catalog listings coming in late October
blue skin, yellow flesh Round sapphire exterior creates a striking contrast with stunning gold flesh. High yielding. Also known as Peter Wilcox. read more


Blue Gold
Mid-Season Potato

New catalog listings coming in late October
blue skin, yellow flesh Round sapphire exterior creates a striking contrast with stunning gold flesh. High yielding. Also known as Peter Wilcox. read more


Adirondack Blue - Organic
Mid-Season Potato

New catalog listings coming in late October
blue skin, blue flesh Maintains its color after boiling, roasting or frying. This spud is packed with anthocyanins, powerful antioxidants that can lower risks of heart and neurological diseases. read more


Adirondack Blue
Mid-Season Potato

New catalog listings coming in late October
blue skin, blue flesh Maintains its color after boiling, roasting or frying. This spud is packed with anthocyanins, powerful antioxidants that can lower risks of heart and neurological diseases. read more


Caribou Russet - Organic
Mid-Season Potato

New catalog listings coming in late October
russeted skin, white flesh Bred for cool climates. Vigorous plants produce good yields of large oblong russet potatoes. Using organic practices, we've grown really big Caribou. read more


Caribou Russet
Mid-Season Potato

New catalog listings coming in late October
russeted skin, white flesh Bred for cool climates. Vigorous plants produce good yields of large oblong russet potatoes. Using organic practices, we've grown really big Caribou. read more


Gold Rush Russet - Organic
Mid-Season Potato

New catalog listings coming in late October
russeted skin, white flesh Good flavor and reliably high yields. Russets can be fussy in our humid climate, but Gold Rush performs even in wet years or poor soils. Perfect for baking and fries. read more


Kennebec - Organic
Mid-Season Potato

New catalog listings coming in late October
buff skin, white flesh The quintessential Maine potato, with large uniform tubers that store extremely well. High yielding and adaptable to various soil and growing conditions. read more


Mid-Season Potato

New catalog listings coming in late October
mottled purple and gold skin, yellow flesh. Sure to turn heads at the banquet table or market stand, this delightfully whimsical tuber is the real... read more


Purple Majesty
Mid-Season Potato

New catalog listings coming in late October
purple skin, purple flesh Exceptionally rich color in these uniform small- to medium-sized tubers. Starchy enough for baking or mashing but firm enough to hold its shape in salads. read more


Red Maria - Organic
Mid-Season Potato

New catalog listings coming in late October
red skin, white flesh Excellent dormancy retention in winter storage. Order your extra crates now to accommodate staggering yields to come! read more


Strawberry Paw - Organic
Mid-Season Potato

New catalog listings coming in late October
bright red skin, white flesh Flesh is firm, sweet and moist, with good storage. Generally good yields of medium-to-large tubers. Developed specifically for blight and scab resistance. read more


Vivaldi - Organic
Mid-Season Potato

New catalog listings coming in late October
pale yellow skin, pale yellow flesh Mildly sweet flavor and velvety texture, with high yields, and lower-than-average carbs. read more


French Fingerling - Organic
Fingerling Potato

New catalog listings coming in late October
dark rose-red skin, yellow flesh with pink lines Pick on the early side to fully revel in their tenderness. read more


AmaRosa - Organic
Fingerling Potato

New catalog listings coming in late October
red skin, red flesh Classically plump fingerling shape with smooth skin, excellent color retention, high yields. They’re also tasty as heck! read more


Magic Molly - Organic
Fingerling Potato

New catalog listings coming in late October
deep purple skin, deep purple flesh Dig them as sweet little fingerlings early or hold out for larger potatoes later in the season. Distinctively earthy flavor and pleasantly waxy texture. read more


Pinto - Organic
Fingerling Potato

New catalog listings coming in late October
red and yellow skin, yellow flesh Buttery and decadent with a creamy texture, striking bicolor skins, and high yields of up to 28 tubers per plant! read more


Fingerling Potato

New catalog listings coming in late October
red and yellow skin, yellow flesh Buttery and decadent with a creamy texture, striking bicolor skins, and high yields of up to 28 tubers per plant! read more


Murasaki Sweet Potato Slips New catalog listings coming in late October
purple skin, white flesh Ipomoea batatas (120 days) Japanese-type sweet potato with rich nutty flavor and high sugar content. Requires a longer season to mature. read more


Upstate Abundance
Early Season Potato

New catalog listings coming in late October
buff skin, white flesh Creamy and fancy. Yields abundant golf-ball sized potatoes throughout the growing season. Great for container gardening. read more


Yukon Gem - Organic
Early Season Potato

yellow skin with pink eyes, yellow flesh A modern take on Yukon Gold, with higher yields and better PVY and scab resistances. Matures about 10 days later than Yukon Gold, but worth the wait. read more


Turmeric - Organic
Curcuma longa Vibrantly orange tuber is a potent spice and medicine fetching top dollar at markets. Suitable for high tunnel cultivation, even in Maine! read more


Elba - Organic
Late Season Potato

buff skin, white flesh Easy to grow with a solid yield, delicious Elba keeps solidly all winter long, despite slow spring emergence. read more


German Butterball - Organic
Late Season Potato

lightly russetted yellow skin, yellow flesh These buttery tubers are hands-down the best-tasting roasting potato in the winter. High yields, good storage qualities. read more


Stuttgarter Onion Sets
These firm semi-flat bulbs will store until June if cured properly. Try them in creamy onion dip, sliced, or as onion rings. read more


Monique Shallot Sets
2"-long shallots store well through winter. Pink skins fade to bronze as they set. read more


Roderique Shallot Sets
Open-pollinated. Long-day. A standout variety prized for French cuisine. Tall narrow uniform 1½–2" thick bulbs with white flesh and copper-skin keep well. read more


Walla Walla
Onion Plants

Open-pollinated. Long day. These large onions are renowned for their mild flavor, and have been in commerce since around 1900. read more


Yellow Granex
Onion Plants

F-1 hybrid. Short day. This is the variety that growers in Vidalia, GA, use to grow their world-famous sweet onions. Not suitable for northern growers. Will store for a couple months if well-cured. read more
