Your Brain on Plants: Improve the Way You Think and Feel with Safe—and Proven—Medicinal Plants and Herbs


Your Brain on Plants: Improve the Way You Think and Feel with Safe—and Proven—Medicinal Plants and Herbs

by Nicolette Perry and Elaine Perry, 243 pages, 7x9, softcover. Published in the UK as Botanical Brain Balms. We all know that the brain and nervous system have an enormous effect on health and well-being. Herbalists know that plants contain multiple active components that work together, and differently, from single pharmaceutical extracts. Now, two PhD scientists have compiled attractive and accessible profiles for 56 plants grouped by Calming Balms, Cognition Boosters, Blues Busters, Sleep Promoters, Pain Relievers, Energizers, Mind Altering Plants, and Panaceas. General notes, discussing many additional plants, begin each section. Each plant profile has an illustration and description of the plant and its traditional uses, followed by scientific research and key chemical ingredients. Each concludes with notes about how to take the plant and its safety. Sidebars with recipes and practices to promote well-being are interspersed. The book concludes with many resources including a glossary, a good index and thorough bibliography of all the studies cited for each plant. A beginning herbalist would probably want another resource along with this book, but I think anyone interested in plant medicine will enjoy it. -Susan Kiralis

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