You are viewing all Organic Growers Supply products related to “Soil Amendments.”

Custom Mixing
Soil Amendments and Fertilizers

Tired of ineffectively mixing fertilizers or potting soil ingredients together in a wheelbarrow or tractor bucket? Let us do the dirty work for you! Buy ingredients from us or bring your own. read more


Soil Amendments and Fertilizers

NPK: 5-4-4. 5% Ca. A blend of fertilizers and minerals to provide balanced nutrition for veggies, trees and shrubs. Made in Maine. read more


Raw Biochar
Soil Amendments and Fertilizers

Biochar helps your soil sequester more carbon and emit less nitrous oxide. Also provides a dream home for beneficial bacteria and fungi, while preventing essential nutrients from leaching away. read more


Soil Testing & Organic Fertilizer Recommendation Service
Soil Amendments and Fertilizers

Don’t guess—test! You’ll learn your soil pH, organic matter percentage, levels of common minerals and nutrients, plus we’ll offer customized recommendations to correct or impro read more


Superworm Frass
Soil Amendments and Fertilizers

NPK: 2-2-2. 16% Chitin. Nourishes chitin-feeding bacteria and fungi, which in turn devour gnat eggs and root-feeding nematodes. Also fortifies plants’ cell walls, and fosters healthy blooms. read more


Worm Castings
Soil Amendments and Fertilizers

NPK: 0.5-0.5-0.3 apx, plus trace minerals. Worm castings limit plant disease and have beneficial effects including enhanced mycorrhizal activity and the suppression of parasitic nematodes. read more


Biogreaux Crab Shell 4-4-0 18% Ca
Animal based - Soil Amendments and Fertilizers

NPK: 4-4-0 avg. 18% Ca avg. A macronutrient-rich byproduct of crab processing. Will help you grow massive specimens of field-grown cannabis. Improves lodging resistance and reduces branch breakage. read more


Blood Meal
Animal based - Soil Amendments and Fertilizers

NPK: 13-0-0. One of the fastest release times of all organic nitrogen sources. Highly recommended for corn. The smell (understandably) freaks out deer. Use as a side-dressing or till into soil. read more


Feather Meal
Animal based - Soil Amendments and Fertilizers

NPK: 13-0-0(apx). Provides a strong and quick release of nitrogen. Apply in the row at planting time for sweet corn, melons, brassicas and other heavy feeders. Not water-soluble. read more


Fish Bone Meal
Animal based - Soil Amendments and Fertilizers

NPK: 6.9-11.9-0.8 avg. Excellent source of nitrogen and phosphorus. Use as a sidedressing or mix into compost to provide added nitrogen and a bacterial boost. A byproduct of wild-caught fish. read more


Fish Hydrolysate (Drammatic "O" Liquid Fish Plant Food)
Animal based - Soil Amendments and Fertilizers

NPK: 2-5-0.2. Fish heads, bones, skin and guts finely ground and then enzymatically digested. Can be used as foliar feed. Made from wild fish scraps from the fishing industry along the Great Lakes. read more


Fish Hydrolysate with Kelp (Drammatic "K" Liquid Fish Plant Food)
Animal based - Soil Amendments and Fertilizers

NPK: 2-5-1. All the NPK of fish, along with the micronutrients and growth hormones of kelp. Encourages vigorous rooting. Improves plant vigor and stress resistance, increases storage life of produce. read more


North Country Organics® Bone Char
Animal based - Soil Amendments and Fertilizers

NPK: 0-16-0. Provides large amounts of readily available phosphorus. A most economical source of P for deficient soils. May be applied without restrictions to organically certified fields. read more


Poultry Manure Compost
Animal based - Soil Amendments and Fertilizers

NPK: 5-4-3 (with 9% Ca). Composted and processed poultry litter provides a good balance of major plant nutrients and other essential elements. Pasteurized to neutralize weed seeds and pathogens. read more


Calcium Source - Soil Amendments and Fertilizers

From oyster shells, not pulverized rock. Aragonite is even lower than calcitic lime in magnesium, so it's the ideal choice for soils with excessive magnesium. read more


Gypsum, Pelletized
Calcium Source - Soil Amendments and Fertilizers

A good source of calcium when the soil pH is already at a desired level. read more


Pro Pelleted Calcitic Limestone
Calcium Source - Soil Amendments and Fertilizers

The most common and most frequently used soil conditioner. also called Hi-Cal lime. Recommended for soils with excess magnesium. read more


Pro Pelleted Limestone, Dolomitic Limestone Pro-Select Prill
Calcium Source - Soil Amendments and Fertilizers

The least expensive liming agent. Use to sweeten soil (raise pH) and provide calcium where excess magnesium is not a problem. read more


Calcium Source - Soil Amendments and Fertilizers

Silicon is linked to improved yields, especially recommended for cannabis, orchard crops, cucurbits, sweet corn, grains and forage crops. Also helps build resistance to powdery mildew. read more


3G Greener Garlic Grower
Fedco's Fertilizer Mixes - Soil Amendments and Fertilizers

NPK: 3-3.5-3.5 avg. plus sulfur. With 3G Greener Garlic Grower, you can expect better spring emergence, more vigorous plants, bigger bulbs and richer flavor. Blended in-house. read more


5G Grow Great Garlic Greener, Guaranteed Kit
Fedco's Fertilizer Mixes - Soil Amendments and Fertilizers

Kit includes user-friendly instructions and supplies for up to 100 cloves (about 2 lb) of seed garlic! read more


Ancients Rise Mix
Fedco's Fertilizer Mixes - Soil Amendments and Fertilizers

Formulated to build humus, enhance CEC, and condition the soil in which the ancient roots reside, whether they be abandoned heirlooms or wild seedlings. Can be applied in fall or spring. read more


Blueberry Booster
Fedco's Fertilizer Mixes - Soil Amendments and Fertilizers

A blend of granite meal, K-Mag, sulfur, Tennessee brown rock, compost, peat, and Azomite. Brings down the soil pH and provides the nutrients necessary for healthy blueberry plants and good fruit. read more


CannaDiesel Mix
Fedco's Fertilizer Mixes - Soil Amendments and Fertilizers

This fertilizer and amendment mix includes all the goods contained in our well-loved CannaLot MegaSoil, minus the compost and potting soil. Great for plants grown in the ground, and cheaper to ship! read more


Fall Fruit Tree Prep Mix
Fedco's Fertilizer Mixes - Soil Amendments and Fertilizers

For a deluxe tree planting spot, choose this mix! Contains a broad spectrum of macro and micronutrients and soil conditioners that fruit trees thrive on. Follow our directions for use in the fall. read more


Fruition Mix
Fedco's Fertilizer Mixes - Soil Amendments and Fertilizers

A balanced fertilizer to keep your bearing fruit trees healthy and productive. If your tree put on 4" or less of terminal growth last year, our Fruition Mix will put new spring in its step! read more


Gungnir Asparagus Mix
Fedco's Fertilizer Mixes - Soil Amendments and Fertilizers

NPK: 2-5-7. Our new house mix will help you grow mighty spears of asparagus. Formulated to meet Penn State Extension’s recommendations for the annual fertilization of asparagus beds. read more


Hole-Istic Spring Planting Mix
Fedco's Fertilizer Mixes - Soil Amendments and Fertilizers

Recommended for fruit trees at planting time. Our own well-balanced blend of Tennessee brown phosphate, alfalfa meal, Azomite, and K-Mag in a humus-rich base of worm castings. read more


Sleepytime Garden Blend
Fedco's Fertilizer Mixes - Soil Amendments and Fertilizers

Spread this blend of granite, zeolites, gypsum, micronutrients and humates in that fall, and it will improve soil structure, remineralize, and enhance nutrient availability for the next spring! read more


Tomato Sauce
Fedco's Fertilizer Mixes - Soil Amendments and Fertilizers

NPK: 3-4-6.1 By popular demand! A Fedco Blend formulated to meet the needs of field-grown (outdoor) fruiting Solanaceous crops: tomatoes, peppers, eggplants and tomatillos. read more


True Love Rose & Ornamental Mix
Fedco's Fertilizer Mixes - Soil Amendments and Fertilizers

NPK: 2.5-6-3. Show your flowers you appreciate them by treating them to dinner now and then. This mix is formulated to feed both soil and plant to encourage healthy foliage and lush, colorful blooms. read more


Fedco's Fertilizer Mixes - Soil Amendments and Fertilizers

NPK: 7-2-9 avg. 2% Ca and 3.5% S. High-test organic fertilizer, formulated to meet the nutrient requirements of potatoes. Blended in-house. read more


Fedco's Fertilizer Mixes - Soil Amendments and Fertilizers

NPK: 3.4-2.2-3.5. An excellent all-purpose fertilizer for those who prefer to avoid animal products. Great for flower bulbs because it won’t attract critters. read more


20 Mule Team Borax Solubor® DF
Mineral - Soil Amendments and Fertilizers

Soluble borate for fluid fertilizers and nutrient sprays. Boron is essential for all stages of tree growth and fruit set. Powder mixes easily in any spray solution. read more


AZOMITE®, Field Grade Natural Trace Minerals
Soil Amendments and Fertilizers

Contains over 67 minerals beneficial to plants and animals. A mix or particle sizes. Lots of powder, but still less dusty than Micronized Azomite. read more


AZOMITE®, Granulated Natural Trace Minerals
Soil Amendments and Fertilizers

Contains over 67 minerals beneficial to plants and animals, including rare earth elements. read more


BrixBlend Basalt
Mineral - Soil Amendments and Fertilizers

A paramagnetic stone powder for remineralizing and enhancing general foundational soil fertility. read more


Fertoz Organic Granulated Rock Phosphate Fertilizer
Mineral - Soil Amendments and Fertilizers

Natural phosphorus source. Adequate phosphorus results in more vigorous early root formation, better flower and seed production, better growth in cold temperatures, and better water use efficiency. read more


Granite Meal
Mineral - Soil Amendments and Fertilizers

Contains about 5% potassium in very slow-release form. Can be added to the soil in large amounts without altering the pH. Greatly enhances soil structure and promotes healthier plants. read more


Hum-Amend Max
Mineral - Soil Amendments and Fertilizers

A powerful soil restoration amendment! Supports plant health and increases yields by facilitating roots’ uptake of plant nutrients and water. Improves levels of carbon and humus. read more


K-Mag Granular Trio 0-0-22
Mineral - Soil Amendments and Fertilizers

A good source of immediate potassium for depleted soil and of magnesium where calcium is abundant. Alliums like its sulfur and potatoes like its quick boost of potassium. read more


Micronutrients Liquid Calcium
Mineral - Soil Amendments and Fertilizers

Calcium helps strengthen plants’ cell walls, improving crop quality, disease resistance and storage capacity. Can help prevent problems like blossom end rot and bitter pit. read more


Micronutrients Liquid Copper
Mineral - Soil Amendments and Fertilizers

Copper is necessary for efficient photosynthesis and respiration and affects the sugar content and flavor of produce. Contains 4% chelated copper derived from copper sulfate. read more


Micronutrients Liquid Iron
Mineral - Soil Amendments and Fertilizers

Iron is essential for chlorophyll development and function, and is also involved in nitrogen fixation by legumes. Contains 5% chelated iron derived from ferrous sulfate. read more


Micronutrients Liquid Manganese
Mineral - Soil Amendments and Fertilizers

Manganese helps plants to synthesize chlorophyll and is used in electron transport during photosynthesis. Contains 1% nitrogen from vegetable protein and 5% chelated manganese. read more


Micronutrients Liquid Zinc
Mineral - Soil Amendments and Fertilizers

Zinc is a component of auxin, an essential growth hormone, and is also necessary for proper root development. Improves cold tolerance. Contains 7% zinc derived from zinc sulfate. read more


Monterey Epsom Salts
Mineral - Soil Amendments and Fertilizers

Magnesium is a building block of chlorophyll and therefore essential to efficient photosynthesis. May boost yields significantly, especially for roses and tomatoes. read more


Phosphate, Tennessee Brown Rock
Mineral - Soil Amendments and Fertilizers

Recommended by soil gurus Phil Callahan and Mark Fulford. Lowest concentration of heavy metals of any phosphate source. Concentrations of available phosphate were regularly over 6% when tested. read more


Protassium+® Sulfate of Potash 0-0-50
Mineral - Soil Amendments and Fertilizers

NPK: 0-0-50. The most economical source of available potassium! Fine-grained texture. read more


Tiger Organic 90CR Sulfur
Mineral - Soil Amendments and Fertilizers

Agricultural Sulfur. Use to make soil pH more acidic. Often helpful for both lowbush and highbush blueberries, and for potatoes. Lowering the pH of gravel paths will help control weed growth. read more


ZeoMax Garden Aid
Mineral - Soil Amendments and Fertilizers

Zeolites can improve the productivity of any texture of soil, improving water and mineral retention in sandy soils and improving aeration and minimizing compaction in heavier soils. read more


Ahimsa Organics® Karanja Cake
Plant based - Soil Amendments and Fertilizers

NPK: 4.6-0.9-1.3 avg. A favorite of earthworms and other beneficial soil organisms, and inhibits the growth of some notorious pathogenic soil microbes. Beloved by hemp and cannabis growers. read more


Ahimsa Organics® Neem Cake
Plant based - Soil Amendments and Fertilizers

NPK: 6-1-3 avg. Rich in the basic nutrients, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, it makes an excellent fertilizer and soil additive. Can help suppress fusarium infestations. read more


Alfalfa Meal - Organic
Plant based - Soil Amendments and Fertilizers

NPK: 2.5-0.4-3.3 avg. Gives plants a noticeable boost and feeds soil organisms. Excellent vegan alternative to blood meal as a nitrogen source. Hands-down the best-smelling fertilizer out there. read more


High Brix Molasses - Organic
Plant based - Soil Amendments and Fertilizers

Molasses is a source of important nutrients, including manganese, magnesium, copper, potassium and calcium. Food grade, shelf stable. Plants and beneficial microbes have a sweet tooth, too! read more


Kelp Liquid Concentrate
Plant based - Soil Amendments and Fertilizers

New formula is twice as concentrated as the liquid kelp we carried for years, so you'll need only half as much! read more


Kelp Meal - Organic
Plant based - Soil Amendments and Fertilizers

For soil: excellent source of naturally chelated elements, enzymes, and amino acids. For livestock: excellent source of iodine, vitamin A and dozens of other vitamins and trace minerals. read more


Kelp-It Soluble Powder Dehydrated Seaweed Extract
Plant based - Soil Amendments and Fertilizers

NPK: 0-0-18. Highly concentrated extract makes an excellent foliar spray containing growth hormones, trace minerals, enzymes and carbohydrates. read more


Soybean Meal
Plant based - Soil Amendments and Fertilizers

NPK: 7-1.5-1 avg. Effective and economical nitrogen fertilizer for Northeast soils. High levels of nitrogen and potassium are released as soybean meal breaks down, providing fertility over time. read more
