Items related to "new ace" in Fedco Bulbs
Dreamy Angels Collection

Ordering closed for the season
Fedco Exclusive! A heavenly medley of pink, purple-maroon and white ruffled petals provide timeless elegance and grace. read more


Spring Roses Collection

Ordering closed for the season
Fedco exclusive! Three Double Early tulip varieties in shades of pink and white evoke the romantic allure of a rose garden. read more


Jumbo Amaryllis

Ordering closed for the season
Deep vibrant pink rounded petals of this Jumbo Amaryllis have a seersucker texture. read more


‘Cherry Blossom’
Jumbo Amaryllis

Ordering closed for the season
White blossoms with soft pink blushes, vivid pink striations, and luminous green throats. read more


‘Lemon Star’
Jumbo Amaryllis

Ordering closed for the season
Elegant star-shaped blossoms with large white petals and lemon-yellow centers. Each stalk will produce up to 4–5 blooms. read more


Jumbo Amaryllis

Ordering closed for the season
Extra showy, with deep red centers radiating out to dark pink with bold edging. 4–5 blooms per stalk. read more


English Bluebell
Hyacinthoides - Novelties and Specialties

Ordering closed for the season
Flax-blue flowers, sweetly scented. The flower of the mythic “bluebell woods” of western Europe and England. read more
