Plant Partners: Science-Based Companion Planting Strategies for the Vegetable Garden


Plant Partners: Science-Based Companion Planting Strategies for the Vegetable Garden

by Jessica Wallister, 224 pages, 8x9, softcover. The book begins with an introduction to evidence-based companion planting and what it can do for your garden, then quickly gets down to business laying out one idea after another. These strategies fall into several categories: living mulches to combat weeds and add fertility; plants that act as trellises for a second crop; duos to minimize pests; suppressing diseases; supporting pest-eating beneficial insects; and feeding pollinators. Each idea is tied to research, so these plant pairings are more than just sweet nothings. I love that you can open to an entry, read a page, and get on with applying the method! Full-color photos demonstrate plant pairings alongside each succinct entry for additional inspiration. -Renee Manly

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